Monday, March 8, 2010

Announcements: 4th Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Scrutiny: All those to be confirmed and their sponsors will be called forward after the Homily to receive the second Scrutiny. Those to be confirmed are Golda, Josh, Jim L., Jim I., Kara, and Alaina.

Gospel: The Man Born Blind is a perfect example of how our faith grows over time. The Blind Man, much like those to be confirmed this year, went from darkness into the light. What helped the Man Born Blind to grow in faith was the contact he had with his neighbors, friends, relatives, and Jesus.

Thank you: Pat Durbin and Bernie Venua installed some new electrical outlets in the Church. Thank you very much for sharing your time and talent!

Shower: Please have patience while a shower will be installed in the women’s room downstairs in the church. Scott King should have this completed by Holy Week.

Holy Week Schedule: Holy Week services will be as follows

Holy Thursday: 5:30 PM
Good Friday: 5:30 PM
Easter Vigil: 8:00 PM
No Sunday Mass

Welcome: Please welcome Dennis and Terri Hall to Holy Rosary parish. They moved here a few weeks ago and Terri hopes to get involved with music ministry and sponsoring one of the RCIA candidates.

Have a wonderful week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott

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