Monday, July 27, 2009

Announcements: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Rosary: The Rosary will be prayed after mass this Sunday for all of our generous benefactors. All are welcome to join us.

Gospel: Jesus is the bread of life. If you eat this bread, Jesus tells us that we will never hunger or thirst. The Eucharist is food for the journey in this life and the next. What this means is that the Eucharist will help us fulfill all of our appetites, including physical, emotional, and spiritual ones. It is also Viaticum, the food for transitioning between this life and the next.

Three Baptisms: Today, Monday, I will be baptizing three children from Clarks Point here at Holy Rosary: Raydon six years old, Halle ten, and Kristina fourteen.

Mission Talks: There are five Sundays in the month of August. I will be here for the first and last ones. The middle three I will be in and around Green Bay to give mission talks to help raise money for the Alaskan missions. One of those weeks I will be spending with Eric and Dawn in Wilmington, NC. Eric is the guy who is responsible for my conversion into the Catholic faith. We met when we were both attending college at UAF.

Website: I hope to keep you updated on my blog while I am traveling in August. I am hoping to watch the Green Bay Packers practice at Lambeau Field and will post the pictures.

Have a fantastic week and see you this Sunday…Fr. Scott

Monday, July 20, 2009

Announcements: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Rosary: The rosary will be prayed after mass, Sunday, August 2nd. We continue to pray for our generous benefactors that first Sunday of every month. Please join us. We may also expose the Blessed Sacrament while we pray the rosary.

Gospel: The feeding of the 5000 is a favorite parable among Catholics. Obviously the parable refers to the Eucharist, where all are nourished by Christ, our host. Believing that the bread and wine actually turn into the Body and Blood of Christ is part of being a Catholic. The answer to believing in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is being able to distinguish between scientific and religious truth. During the homily this Sunday, the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist will be discussed.

Thank You: Thanks Karen and Vic Belleque for organizing the 50th anniversary potluck for Dan and Dee O’Connell. It was a grand event! Congratulations Dan and Dee.

Mission Talks near Green Bay: There are five Sundays in August. I will be gone the middle three. I will be at Good Shepherd Parish in Chilton, WI the 8th and 9th and at Holy Cross and Saint Anne parishes in Mishicot, WI the 15th and 16th. I also plan to visit my friends Eric and Dawn in Wilmington, NC for a week. I will be raising money for our Holy Rosary Mission.

Finance: Angie just closed out the fiscal year 2008-2009 Sunday. Thank you so much Angie. Also, our 1995 Ford 4X4 F150 is in need of new tires, oil change, tune up, and possibly a U-joint. I purchased new tires and have an appointment Tuesday to take it in to Stellings for repairs.

Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday, if not sooner…Fr. Scott

Monday, July 13, 2009

Announcements: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Special Potluck: This Sunday, July 19, 2009, there will be a potluck to celebrate Dan and Dee’s 50th wedding anniversary. What a mile-stone. Congrats! Please bring your favorite dish, and/or yourself. There will be special blessings and intercessions for Dan and Dee throughout the Mass.

Gospel: Jesus notices that the people are like sheep without a shepherd. When he saw this he stopped and taught them many things. There are some great advantages to belonging to a close knit community (or a large flock). It takes a good shepherd to point out those advantages. A good shepherd will ensure that their flock is safe, strong, Christ centered, and at peace.

Youth Visit: Thanks to all of you, the youth visit seemed to be a success. Parishioners came by from time to time, some came to the potluck, some out to the lake, and Brian, Angeli, and Chelsea helped with community service. Check out the pictures on Special thanks to Karen Belleque who organized the potluck, Bernie Venua who cooked at the Lake, Brian who altar served at the lake, and Janice Williams who let us use four folding beds.

Inspections: We have a couple of inspections coming up. This week, the boiler will be inspected. August 7, an insurance inspector will be around to check out the smoke detectors, extinguishers, exit signs, etc. Pat Durbin and Bernie have been a great help in getting everything ready, THANK YOU!

Thank you Angie: Angie will be closing out the books this month. What a fantastic service she does for our Church. She first has to close out the month for both Saint Theresa and Holy Rosary, then the year. Thank you Angie Venua for donating your time and talent. You are greatly appreciated.

Have a fantastic week, God Bless, and see you Sunday.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Announcements: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Youth Potluck: Holy Rosary parishioners will be providing a potluck for the Catholic youth visiting from Anchorage. (6:00 PM, Thursday, July 9, 2009). All are welcome to join us and meet those youth from Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton and Saint Benedict. Please bring your favorite dish.

Holy Rosary Schedule of events for youth visit. Please come and join us!

Monday, July 6th
1. 1:00 PM Youth arrive on Penair flight, load gear in truck, walk to Holy Rosary
2. Van From Beaver Bed and Breakfast, Susan, 842-7335
3. Set up basement of church and basement of rectory
4. Grocery shopping

Tuesday, July 7th
1. 9:00 AM Morning Mass at Holy Rosary
2. 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Community Service: Dillingham Cemetery (Janice 842-2475)
3. Clear trees for statue at Holy Rosary
4. Option: Subsistence fishing: High Tide 3:48 P.M.

Wednesday, July 8th
1. 10:00 AM Visit to Clarks Point (Chelsea 236-1448, Mariano 236-1294)
2. 11:30 AM Mass at Saint Peter Fisherman
3. Lunch at Clarks Point

Thursday, July 9th
1. 10:00 AM Sr. Center, (Gusty Bartman/Skit?), Mass 11:00 AM , Lunch ($4.50)
2. 1:00 to 3:00, Peter Pan tour (Sherry, 842-5415)
3. 3:00 to 4:00, Grammas’ House visit (Angeli, 842-3424) skip or singing/music.
4. 6:00 PM Pot Luck by Holy Rosary parishioners at basement of Holy Rosary
5. Bon Fire Holy Rosary Parking Lot following potluck

Friday, July 10th
1. 9:00 AM Mass at Holy Rosary
2. 10:00 AM Drive out to Lake, 21 Miles, Mountain climb, Fish.
3. 3:30 Check in at Airport, Youth depart on 5:30 flight

Penair AS3253, Anchorage to Dillingham, Departs 11:30 AM on Monday, June 6, Arrive 1:00 PM

PenairAS3256, Dillingham to Anchorage, Departs 5:30 PM on Friday, June 10

Gospel: Jesus sends out his apostles with only sandals and the shirt on their back. The message: simplicity of life is a way to increase our faith in God.

Iris in front of statue: Angela Clark and I flew to Clarks point and got some beautiful purple iris to plant in front of the statue of Mary. Karen Belleque also contributed some nice perennials. Thank you!
Have a great week and hope to see you at the potluck on Thursday…Fr. Scott