Monday, May 31, 2010

Annoucements: Corpus Christi

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few important announcements:

Special Potluck: To welcome the Archbishop of Anchorage and to celebrate the baptisms and confirmations of Joshua Weiland and Jim Ingram and the confirmations of Kara Ingram and Golda Weiland, there will be a reception after the Mass on Sunday, June 13th. June Ingram offered to bring a turkey and asked that everyone else bring the rest. Remember, Mass will be at 10:00 AM instead of 12:30 on that Sunday. SO PLEASE MARK YOU CALENDARS, Sunday, June 13th, Mass will be at 10:00 AM to accommodate the Archbishop’s schedule.

Blessing of the Fleet: After mass June 6th, please join us for the Blessing of the Dillingham Fishing fleet and memorial for all those who have been lost at sea. The blessing begins at 2:00 PM at the boat harbor. Please contact Angela Clark if you would like to help set it up.

Congratulations: Golda and Joshua Weiland were married in the Catholic Church after Mass on Sunday, May 30th (their new wedding date). Joshua will be baptized and confirmed and Golda will be confirmed on June 13th. They plan to take communion together for the first time on that day.

Youth Visit: July 5th – July 9th some 12-18 youth will be arriving at Holy Rosary for a community service electronic free retreat. Please let me know if you would like to be involved. We plan a potluck while they are here on Thursday, July 8th, at 5::00 PM.

Thank you: Thank you Nora Johnson for the flowers on the Church steps. Her flowers always bring beauty, peace, and tranquility to our church grounds.

Prayers: Please Keep the Bennis family in your prayers. Esther Bennis died last week and will be buried in our Catholic Cemetery on Thursday.

Prayers: Please keep the Belleque family in your prayers as Johanna’s mother has been diagnosed with cancer.

Gospel: The Body and Blood of Christ (the celebration of Corpus Christi) is this Sunday. A priest ordained by God is the only person who can change the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. The bread and wine is the best offering, we as humans, have to give to God. Come to Mass on Sunday and find out why!

See you all Sunday, weather permitting, Fr. Scott

Monday, May 24, 2010

Announcements: The Most Holy Trinity

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few important announcements for Trinity Sunday:

Annual Appeal: Thank you to all who have generously donated to our Archdiocesan Annual Appeal, “One Bread One Body.” We have collected over $1.800 in pledges (80% of our goal of $2,200). If you would like to help us reach our goal, please make checks out to Archdiocese of Anchorage or come by and get a pledge card.

Thank you: This month I have been stranded in Fog for three out of the four weeks of May. It is not a great idea to take off at an airport when visibility is ¼ mile with a ceiling of 300 feet. Thank you Aileen for the three Communion Services this month. Hopefully the Holy Rosary congregation has not fired me for not showing up!

Thank you: Thank you Pat and Bernie for patching up the T-1-11 wood siding on the Church. We are in the process of re-painting the church and hope to get some help from the Youth Group who will be visiting in July. You can see that the paint has been started and the siding patched (bottom right).

POTLUCK: This Sunday is our Potluck. All are welcome to join us after Mass. Please bring your favorite dish but do not feel like you have to bring something to eat. We will be celebrating the beginning of fishing season, birthdays in the month, returning students from college, and my seventh year as a priest (May 24th, 2003).

Blessing of the Fleet: The blessing of the Dillingham Fleet will be June 6, Sunday, at 2:00 PM. We need some help setting things up. Please call Angela Clark to volunteer.

Youth Visit: Several parishes in Anchorage will be sending youth to Dillingham for a Electronic free second annual community service retreat. They will be arriving Monday, July 5th and staying until Friday, July 9th. All the youth who participated last year had such a great time that them want to return again, plus several others want to sign up. Please contact me is you are 14 to 18 years of age, living in Bristol Bay, and want to be a part of this retreat…you will not be sorry because you will have a fantastic time!

MASS TIME CHANGE FOR Confirmation: The Most Reverend Roger L. Schwietz, OMI, the Archbishop of Anchorage, will be arriving on the Penair, 10:00 AM flight, Thursday, June 10th and leaving June 13th at 1:30 PM. The confirmation Mass will be at 10:00 AM, Sunday, June 13th rather than the normal mass time of 12:30 PM. There will be a confirmation Mass in King Salmon, Saint Theresa, at noon on Saturday.

Gospel: The Holy Trinity is one of the great mysteries of the Catholic Church. Here is why: God is one nature and three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We will never understand completely how God can be in three different places at once, or is he? To simplify things, think of the person who is a doctor, a mother, and a wife…three different roles, the same person. The trick is being able to do all three roles at the same time.

Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday, weather permitting…Fr. Scott

Monday, May 17, 2010

Announcements: Pentecost

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Temporary Mass Time Change: Confirmation Mass will be at 10:00 AM, June 13th, to accommodate the Archbishop’s schedule. Let us have a potluck to welcome Archbishop Schwietz. I am working on a fishing Expedition for him when he arrives, Thursday, June 10th. We plan to fish the 11th, have mass at Saint Theresa in King Salmon at noon on Saturday the 12th, return to Dillingham that same day, and have Mass at Holy Rosary at 10:00 AM June 13th. His plane leaves back to Anchorage at 1:30 PM, Sunday, June 13th.

Potluck: Potlucks are the last Sunday of months that have 31 days in them. Let me see, that would be this month, Sunday, May 30th. Please bring your favorite dish.

Annual Appeal: Thank you to all have been donating to the Annual Appeal. We are about half way to our goal of 2,200 dollars.

Youth Visit: July 5th to July 9th, Anchorage Youth will visit Holy Rosary and the Village of Dillingham for a electronic free community service retreat. Please help us fine some good community service projects. All Bristol Bay youth are welcome to join us. We will also be working on plans and fund raisers for the Madrid, Spain World Youth Day.

Blessing of the Fleet: June 6, 2010, the blessing of the fleet will take place after Mass, Sunday, at 2:00 PM. Please join us as we remember all those who were lost at sea.

Gospel: Pentecost is about Jesus sending us the Holy Spirit. Here is a quote from Saint Cyril, “The Spirit comes gently and makes himself known by his fragrance. The Holy Spirit in not felt as a burden because he is light, very light. Rays of light and knowledge stream before him as he approaches. The Spirit comes with the tenderness of a true friend and protector to save, to heal, to teach, to counsel, to strengthen, and to console.”

Flowers: There are five areas around Holy Rosary that we need flowers planted: The steps on the Church; The entrance to the Old Church; The South side of the Rectory; The Round Planter in front of the Holy Rosary sign; and the Statue of Mary on the Rock. All are asked to help beautify our church as Summer approaches.

Projects for the Summer: Fix gutters so water will not leak into our church basement; Fix the drain in the basement of the rectory so washing machine and utility sink does not back-up onto the floor; Finish painting the rectory and start the Church; Re-gravel the driveway and fill in holes and ruts; Five crosses need to be made to put in the cemetery where no crosses are at this time.

Have a fantastic week and see you all Sunday…Fr. Scott

Monday, May 10, 2010

Announcements: Ascension Sunday

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Thank You: Thanx to Aileen for bailing me out for the second week in a row. I hope all mom’s had a happy Mother’s day. Fog grounded all the airplanes in both King Salmon and Dillingham for eight hours. I finally jumped in our Cherokee Warrior II at about 2:00 PM and flew back to Dillingham. Because I have missed two weeks in a row at Holy Rosary I decided to cancel Mass at Saint Theresa next week to ensure I won’t get stranded for a third week.

Confirmation: NOTE: CONFIRMATION MASS TIME CHANGE. Since I was not available last Sunday for our meeting, all those being confirmed are asked to meet next Sunday after Mass. I have chosen 20 questions that we need to answer and talk about before confirmation. This will be the last formal meeting before the Archbishop has the confirmation mass. The Confirmation Mass will Be Sunday, June 13, 10:00 AM. (We will meet at 10:00 AM that day instead of 12:30 PM). Confirmation Mass at Saint Theresa in King Salmon will be Saturday at Noon.

Gospel: The Ascension is about Jesus being raised to heaven. Unlike the Assumption, where Mary’s body was raised to heaven with help “from above,” Jesus ascended all by himself because, well, he is divine and human, not just human like Mary.

Quinceanera: The very first Quinceanera was celebrated Friday, May 7, 2010 at Saint Theresa Parish. For pictures and a short story please see

Aircraft Annual Inspection: Our Cherokee Warrior II is back in Dillingham after its annual inspection was completed by Tom Bishop of Nugget Aviation in Palmer, Alaska. See story on our Website, Our Mechanic called me, not Pope Benedict, but Benedict Arnorld.

Clarks Point celebration: For the end of the school year, this Wednesday, May 12, I was asked by the principal to celebrate Mass for the Clarks Point community in the Gymnasiam after their fun, games, and potluck. It will probably be at 1:00 in the afternoon. This is their last day of school.

Have a great week and see you Sunday! Fr. Scott

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Announcements: 6th Sunday of Easter

Dear Holy Rosary Mission parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Quinceanera: Friday at Saint Theresa in King Salmon Veronica will celebrate her 15th birthday. She will receive a special blessing during Mass at 5:00 PM. All are invited to attend!

Thank You: Thanx to Aileen Walsh who came to the rescue while I was stranded in King Salmon last week. She offered a communion service.

Thank you: Thanx to Pat Durbin and Bernie Venua for helping with the plumbing in the rectory. A person getting water drove around the back of the rectory and ran over our drain pipe. Pat fixed it up for us.

Gospel: The law of love is a commandment to be obedient. The law of love involves the two S’s, Sacrifice and Self-control. In marriage and any vocation there are sacrifices. “If it feels good do it” is NOT a way to practice self-control. A good way to practice self-control is to do not say you are going to do something unless you are sure you will do it.

Potluck: There will be a potluck, after Mass, the last Sunday of the month of May. Please bring your favorite dish and celebrate the beginning of Fishing Season and the birthdays in the month of May.

Blessing of the Fleet: June 6, Sunday, after Mass at 2:00 PM will be the blessing of the fleet. If you would like to help out, and we need help, please contact Angela Clark.

Catechism: We will meet after Mass for some instruction. The last I heard the Archbishop has decided to come on the weekend, as he canceled some other meetings. So, unless I hear otherwise, confirmation will be Sunday, June 13, at 12:30 (during our regular Sunday Mass).

Annual Inspection: I flew our plane back from Palmer today (Monday). Tom Bishop completed the annual inspection and generously donated around $1,0000 toward the $3,0000 cost. Included in that cost was fixing my compass, which I broke off in -20 weather and fixing the transponder. Tom also donated some survival gear and other aviation gear.

Have a great week and see you Sunday, weather permitting.