Monday, September 28, 2009

Announcements: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Rosary: This coming Sunday, 4 October, we will be praying the Rosary after Mass for all of those generous people who are helping to pay for our heating fuel. All are welcome to join us.

Gospel: A priest has a duty to talk about all aspects of spiritual life, some easier to talk about than others. Divorce is a prevalent topic in the gospel this Sunday. What does our Catholic Church say about divorce? What does the gospel say? My goal for re-visiting this topic of divorce is to help our Catholic community to heal while growing closer to God. The talk will be beneficial to all, but especially rewarding to those Catholics who have divorced and re-married.

Anchorage Travel: I will be going to Anchorage October 5 to October 8th for a pastoral day, physical, and to learn how to be a Judge for our tribunal. I am currently the judge for one case from Juneau. I hope to prove to the Archdiocese that a tribunal, in this day and age, can be run anywhere, even Dillingham, Alaska.

Prayers: Please keep little four year old Jacob Belleque in your prayers for he has been diagnosed with a rare disease that we think is treatable and curable. It is called Kawasaki disease.

Our Parishioner receives National Honor: Our own Dr. Dan O’Connell, not surprising, has received a National recognized award. Here is a brief description: National Indian Health Board - Local Impact Award for 2009, was announced at the National Indian Health Board Consumer Conference in DC. I do not have all of the specifics but will keep you posted.

Repairs: Most of the windows have been sealed up on the rectory. Also, the south and west sides of the rectory have been painted, except for the trim. I am still trying to decide on a color, any thoughts??. Additionally the place where people fill up water jugs has been cleaned up and a new area built. Finally, a new sign was erected at the end of the driveway so people coming from the airport can know where we are and who we are.

Welcome Back and Farewell: This week we welcome back the Reynolds family (who spend time in the lower 48 with elderly parents) and Matteo Guarina (who is a pediatricain and works at our hospitol a few months out of the year); say farewell to Karen and Vic Belleque who spend winter in Arizona; safe travels to Spruce who will be traveling to Texas for a couple weeks to accept a national art award from the Military; safe travels to the Venua family who will be in California and Las Vegas for training and vacation for two weeks.

Have a fantastic day and see you Sunday! Fr. Scott

Monday, September 21, 2009

Announcements: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out! Definitely, this gospel message has a spiritual meaning rather than a literal one. For example, the eye is responsible to help us see just like each one of us has responsibilities to see and respond to the needs of our church. The body is hindered when losing a foot like our Christian Community is hindered or suffers when one of us sins.

Rosary: The next time we will pray the Rosary after Mass for the Archdiocesan Parishes who have contributed to our heating fuel will be Sunday, October 4, 2009. All are welcome to join us.

New Sign: A new sign is almost ready to be posted at the end of the driveway. The sign will be situated in a way that is visible to those coming from the Dillingham Airport. A picture of the post is below. The actual sign has to be attached. Since the sign that will be put up does not say anything about “WELCOME,” I have asked some of the parishioners to make a “welcome” sign to hang below or put above the sign.

World Youth Day 2011: I am still waiting for more specific information about the Madrid, Spain World Youth day. The autographed Green Bay Packer football I got while in Green Bay will hopefully raise a little money to get us started. Right now Rick Tennyson is looking into a way to auction it off.

Have a fantastic week, God bless, and see you Sunday, if not sooner…Fr. Scott

Monday, September 14, 2009

Announcements: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

THANK YOU: Bernie and Angie Venua spent several hours over two days washing the inside and outside of the church windows. What a great sacrifice they made for our beautiful church. Thank you very much Angie and Bernie for your kindness and generosity. We greatly appreciate your service!

Confirmation: We have two parishioners who will be confirmed around Easter Time. They will start instruction this month. They are Jim Larsen and Alaina Grohall. Please keep them in your prayers as Jim is converting to Catholicism and Alaina will be Baptized and celebrate First Communion at Saint Patrick’s in Anchorage and be Confirmed here in Dillingham during Easter.

Talent Finder: If anyone is interested in taking a talent survey, it is WELL worth the effort. God has made everyone unique with different talents. This test will help you find your top talents. There are 36 possible talents. The idea is to focus on strengthening your God given talents rather than wasting time on weaknesses. To register, go to the website: and follow instructions. There may be a cost involved. There are one in 33.39 million people in the world who have your top five talents in the same order. No one on earth has the same top eight talents, in the same order, as you, i.e. we are special!

Canon Law: I have been asked to fill in as the Judicial Vicar of Juneau for six months while the current canon lawyer goes to Iraq. I will be taking care of the tribunal affairs for Juneau by mail. I may travel to Sitka once in that eight months to visit people working in the tribunal there and to check out Mt. Edgecome, as so many of our young people attend that private school.

Repairs and Improvements: We have everything I need to put up a sign at the end of the driveway. Hopefully I will get it up in the next couple weeks. We are also completing the window trim as I was able to purchase 10 square feet of cedar shingles at SBS in Anchorage.

Gospel: The disciples in the gospel next week are caught up in selfish ambition. The message is this: Don’t just be ambitious and DO something in your life! Aspire to BE someone…the person that God wants you to be!possibly be! Ambition is earthly. Aspiration is heavenly.

Picture taken in Levelock, Alaska 12 September 2009.

Have a fantastic day and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott

Monday, September 7, 2009

Announcements: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: Peter is thinking like a human and Jesus gets upset with him. Have you ever tried thinking with the “mind of God” rather than thinking like a human. Thinking with the mind of God, for example, might look something like this: We not only need God, but God needs us as well. We are the Hands of God!

Easter Confirmation: I am getting together a list of those people who would like to become Catholic and those young adults who would like to be confirmed Catholic. I need to start working with people by the end of October. These people will be become full members of the Catholic Church or be Confirmed at the Easter Vigil 2010.

Thank-you – Thank you Bernie Venua for helping trim the outside windows of the rectory. These 10 windows are nearly complete. I need to purchase a few more cedar shingles in Anchorage to finish up.

Priest Retreat: I will be in Anchorage this week from Monday, Sep 7 through Thursday, Sep 10 on a Archdiocesan priest retreat. It will be at the Holy Spirit Retreat House on Hillside. I will also be attending a finance meeting with Sister Charlotte and Jim Caldarola.

Rosary: I was running behind this week and we did not get a chance to pray the rosary after mass for all our generous benefactors who have contributed to our heating fuel. I had to cancel it. We will try again after mass this Sunday, September 13, 2009. From the letters I have sent out to the Archdiocese of Anchorage parishes last week I have already received $600 from Sacred Heart in Seward (Fr. Dick Tero). Our fuel bill last month was $12,000 and the entire bill was paid for by Anchorage parishes. I believe that this generosity and kindness is a direct result of our praying the Rosary each month as a community. Thank you!

Have a fantastic week, God bless you, and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott