Monday, July 13, 2009

Announcements: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Special Potluck: This Sunday, July 19, 2009, there will be a potluck to celebrate Dan and Dee’s 50th wedding anniversary. What a mile-stone. Congrats! Please bring your favorite dish, and/or yourself. There will be special blessings and intercessions for Dan and Dee throughout the Mass.

Gospel: Jesus notices that the people are like sheep without a shepherd. When he saw this he stopped and taught them many things. There are some great advantages to belonging to a close knit community (or a large flock). It takes a good shepherd to point out those advantages. A good shepherd will ensure that their flock is safe, strong, Christ centered, and at peace.

Youth Visit: Thanks to all of you, the youth visit seemed to be a success. Parishioners came by from time to time, some came to the potluck, some out to the lake, and Brian, Angeli, and Chelsea helped with community service. Check out the pictures on Special thanks to Karen Belleque who organized the potluck, Bernie Venua who cooked at the Lake, Brian who altar served at the lake, and Janice Williams who let us use four folding beds.

Inspections: We have a couple of inspections coming up. This week, the boiler will be inspected. August 7, an insurance inspector will be around to check out the smoke detectors, extinguishers, exit signs, etc. Pat Durbin and Bernie have been a great help in getting everything ready, THANK YOU!

Thank you Angie: Angie will be closing out the books this month. What a fantastic service she does for our Church. She first has to close out the month for both Saint Theresa and Holy Rosary, then the year. Thank you Angie Venua for donating your time and talent. You are greatly appreciated.

Have a fantastic week, God Bless, and see you Sunday.

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