Monday, November 10, 2008

Announcements: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: The theme of the readings is about good stewardship. What does it mean to be a good steward? What is your Christian responsibility with regard to stewardship?

Baptism-First Reconciliation-First Communion: December 7th will be the baptism of Josh and Kara Ingram. They will also receive first communion and first reconciliation. All are invited to the potluck afterward.

Rosary: We will be praying the rosary after Mass on the 30th of November instead of the first Sunday of December (Dec 7). The change is made due to the baptism and Potluck on December 7th. I hope to teach the rosary as we go along and let the children ages seven and older lead the mysteries. We will be praying the Joyful mysteries. The rosary will be dedicated to all those generous people who have contributed money for heating fuel.

Sign up: Please consider signing up to clean the church. Usually a person or family signs up for a month at a time. The church needs to be cleaned once a week. The same person would host refreshments after Mass. The is an important ministry and we have several months still open. Please pray about this ministry. There is a sign up sheet in the back of the church.

Thank You Good Stewards: Thank you to all of the following good stewards who have been sharing there time and talent with Holy Rosary:

Accounting: Angie V.
Communion Service: Aileen
Sunday Collection: Dianna
Archdiocesan Representative: Angela C.
Linen: Dee
Music: Kris S., Becky C.
Rosary: Sean W.
Eucharistic Ministers: Dan, Dee, Yolanda, Karen
Lectors: Michael, Pat M., Aileen, Pearl
Maintenance: Pat D., Pat W., Bernie
Plants Jane, Nora J., Nora H., Angela C.

Church Cleaning: All those who have signed up to keep our church clean and have sponsored the refreshments after mass!!!!

Below are a couple pictures of the airplane engine and a picture of a Red Fox cutting across Holy Rosary parking lot.

God bless you all and have a great week…Fr. Scott

Old Engine ready to be removed from Cherokee Warrior II.

New engine in box, 160 HP, Lycoming engine.

Red Fox as it takes cover behind the Old Church.

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