Monday, December 28, 2009

Announcements: Epiphany

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: Three Kings join the Nativity during the Sunday of the Epiphany. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh are given as gifts. Gold is a reminder to call on the Holy Spirit for openness to a new understanding (or epiphany), Frankincense is to remind us to pray, and Myrrh reminds us that an Epiphany requires us to take action, make a change for the good (which usually involves suffering).

Thank you: Thanx to Pat Durbin who oiled the garage door and all the other doors in the Church and rectory!

Thank you: A special Thanx to Bob Chase for playing music at the Christmas Eve Mass!

Rosary: We will pray the rosary after mass this Sunday. All those wanting to be confirmed are encouraged to pray with us. All are welcome. We pray the Rosary for all our generous benefactors.

Hope all of you will experience an Epiphany during the New Year…Fr. Scott

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