Monday, January 19, 2009

Announcements: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Rosary: Kristen C. will be leading the rosary after Mass the first Sunday of February. Please join us in praying for the generous Anchorage Archdiocesan parishes that have donated to help pay for our heating fuel. Saint Joseph in Cordova just sent us a check for $1000. We have raised over 12,000 so far. Last month heating bill for both the church and rectory was over $3000.

Women’s Group: After Mass next week the women’s group will be meeting in the office in the rectory. They are currently discussing the bible. Please join them after Mass until 2:30 PM.

Thank you: Thank you Rick T. for taking time out of your busy schedule to plow the Holy Rosary parking lot. It really helped us out. You did a great job and we appreciate the time and talent you have donated to the church!!

Thank you: Thank you Jackie C. for volunteering to pick up our new parishioner and give her a ride to work. We appreciate you hospitality immensely.

Thank you: Speaking of new parishioners, thank you Spruce for volunteering to play the piano at Mass. Bernie V. and I have moved the Yamaha key board from the basement to the music section.

Catechism: Church teachings and instruction will be available to all who would like to learn more about our Catholic Church. We will meet after Mass starting the first Sunday of Lent.

Gospel: The readings for the next couple of weeks are about healing. Over the next couple of weeks I hope to be talking about abortion, i.e. church teaching, healing, reconciliation, pro-choice, pro-life, canon law, etc.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week. May God bless you and keep you safe…Fr. Scott

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