Monday, November 16, 2009

Announcements: Christ the King

Announcements: Christ the King

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Saint Paul Second Collections: Thank you very much for your generosity. We collected $380.00 to help replenish our fund that helps needy people in the Bristol Bay area. Our fund is now up to $1,900. The fund started out at $4,500 from a donation from Father Kennedy.

Thanx Bernie: Thank you Bernie Venua for repairing the weather stripping on the garage door. The repair will save us money on heating fuel this winter. Your kindness is greatly appreciated by all of us at Holy Rosary!

Funerals: The past two weeks we have had one Catholic funeral per week at Holy Rosary. James Allen Gardiner, age 69 was buried at Kanakanak cemetery Nov 6, 2009. Loretta Mae Kimoktoak was buried Nov 13, 2009 at the same cemetery. Please keep their families in your prayers.

Thanx Altar Servers: Holy Rosary called upon altar servers to serve at the two recent funerals. For the Gardiner funeral Anthony and Walter served and for the Kimoktoak funeral Kara and Josh served. Thank you very much for your help!

Confirmation: Confirmation is going well. We added a new person to our RCIA progam, Gwendolyn Jean Wilson. Gwen, we are so happy to have you aboard. This week we learned about receiving communion at Holy Rosary. At Saint Theresa in Naknek, Dillon and his mom Stephanie came by for some altar server training. Dillon served for his first time on Sunday morn. Next week the RCIA and Confirmation people will be learning about the Liturgical seasons as we change from Green to Purple.

Gospel: Christ is our servant King and wants us to be servant Kings and Queens as well. In order to do that we need to have our compasses set to true north, i.e. our compasses centered on Christ. Good balance in our lives helps us to utilize our talents the way they were intended…for the greater glory of God.

Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott

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