Monday, December 28, 2009
Announcements: Epiphany
Gospel: Three Kings join the Nativity during the Sunday of the Epiphany. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh are given as gifts. Gold is a reminder to call on the Holy Spirit for openness to a new understanding (or epiphany), Frankincense is to remind us to pray, and Myrrh reminds us that an Epiphany requires us to take action, make a change for the good (which usually involves suffering).
Thank you: Thanx to Pat Durbin who oiled the garage door and all the other doors in the Church and rectory!
Thank you: A special Thanx to Bob Chase for playing music at the Christmas Eve Mass!
Rosary: We will pray the rosary after mass this Sunday. All those wanting to be confirmed are encouraged to pray with us. All are welcome. We pray the Rosary for all our generous benefactors.
Hope all of you will experience an Epiphany during the New Year…Fr. Scott
Monday, December 21, 2009
Announcements: Christmas & Holy Family
Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:
Merry Christmas from Holy Rosary Mission!
Christmas Mass: Thursday Evening, Christmas Eve, at 8:00 P.M. There will be NO Christmas day Mass at Holy Rosary.
Thank you: Thank you to all who helped to decorate the Church for Christmas. It looks FANTASTIC. We also picked up some Poinsettias from Cracker Box.
WYD: World Youth Day information is in the back of the church and also on our website,
Members to Holy Rosary: This week Sheryl Bird, a new arrival to Dillingham, attended Mass at Holy Rosary. She is on the Dillingham Police Force. Please introduce yourselves to her if you see her in the future.
Pat Durbin: Pat will be in Anchorage for a couple of weeks following up on some heart problems he had earlier in the year. Please keep him in your prayers. It looks like he won’t be back until after Christmas.
Welcome Back: The Venua girls, Bernina and Angeli, should now be back homne in Dillingham for Christmas. Welcome back and Merry Christmas!
Safe Travels: To all who are traveling for the Holidays, have a save and peaceful time. God Bless you and have a Merry Christmas.
See you Christmas Eve…Fr. Scott
Monday, December 14, 2009
Announcements: 4th Sunday of Advent
Thanx: Thank you Bernie for the hose and the fittings for the public water use. People who get water unscrew our hose, put on their own longer hose, then when they put our hose back on, they strip the threads and water gushes out on the ground instead of out the end of the hose. Bernie creatively thought of a way to prevent this and made the new hose assembly, steel fittings on both ends and very high quality radiator hose.
Christmas Schedule: Christmas Mass will be Thursday, 24 December, at 8:00 PM. There will be no Mass Friday, Christmas Day, as this is a Mission Church and other villages need Christmas Mass as well.
Christmas Decorations: After Mass, 20 December 2009, we will decorate our church for Christmas. The two Jims have picked out a Christmas tree on our ten acres of land. We will be decorating the tree, putting up lights, putting out the nativity scene, changing the purple linen to white linen, etc. Please make some time after Mass to help us out.
We had a trial-run setting up the nativity scene downstairs in the basement. Here is how we will set it up in front of the altar after Mass Dec. 20.
Confirmation: Kara gave her talk on the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. She did an excellent job. So, whose next? We will be meeting again after Christmas to go over our Creed and to review some chapters in our book, Send out Your Spirit. The Archbishop should be here around June 6, 2009.
WYD: Information about World Youth Day will be available next week in the back of the Church. What a great opportunity for our young people. I am incredibly excited. People are already thinking up fund raisers to help supplement the costs.
Have a great week and see you Sunday, if not sooner…Fr. Scott
Monday, December 7, 2009
Announcements: 3rd Sunday of Advent
Gospel: Rejoice. The rose colored candle on the advent wreath reminds us to rejoice in the midst of preparing for the coming of Christ. The Gospel points out that each of us have unique personalities, hence, each of us have special ways of being virtuous and good. We are asked to find creative ways to show people we are Christians. The readings reveal some creative virtues, i.e. Joy, gentleness, and peace.
Confirmation: The Archbishop plans on coming to Bristol Bay the week of June 6 for confirmations. If you want to be confirmed, please start your letter to the Archbishop today.
Rosary: We will be praying the rosary after Mass this Sunday for all those who have helped pay for our heating fuel. All are welcome to join us.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday, if not sooner…Fr. Scott
Monday, November 30, 2009
Announcements: 2nd Sunday of Advent
Gospel: The gospels for the first two Sundays of Advent are about the Second Coming of Christ. The second two are about the birth of Christ. This week we are asked to be prepared and ready for the Second Coming. The Advent Wreath has some excellent symbols to help us to be prepared. The wreath reminds us of the importance of hope, forgiveness, and who should be at the center of our lives. For example, the evergreen branches gives us hope for eternal life because the evergreen is just that, it is always green, it never dies, just like eternal life.
Thanx Aileen: Thank you to Aileen for the communion service Sunday. Because of Aileen’s kindness I was able to spend Thanksgiving with my family in Bend, Oregon.
Thanx Angie: Thank you Angie for picking up our mail, Koodoes for you!
Thank Pat D.: Thanx Pat Durbin for securing and checking on the Church and House while I am in Oregon!
Changes in Mass: The Vatican will be coming out with some fairly drastic changes to the way to celebrate Mass. These changes will adhere more closely to the original biblical text. For example, during the creed we will say “I Believe” instead of “We believe.” And that is only the tip of the iceberg. I will be learning more about the changes in February during our priest convocation in Talkeetna in 2010.
Holy Rosary Website: A special family recipe is on the website…Smokies, a deluxe party mix. Be sure to check it out.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Announcements: 1st Sunday of Advent
Thanx: Thank you Kara for cutting out the pieces of the puzzle for the Chirstmas homily. It was a huge help to me.
Thanx: Thank you to Angie Venua for picking up the Holy Rosary Mail while I am having Thanksgiving with my family in Bend, Oregon.
Water Color Paintings: Matteo has been busy painting. He has let me post some of his beautiful work. Please check out our website,
Thanksgiving Day Prayer: If you do not have a prayer to say during Thanksgiving dinner, try one of these Thanksgiving prayers for Roman Catholics:
Prayer 1
Thank you God for all the wonderful blessings,
For our daily meals, for clean drinking water,
For sunlight and for the cool breeze.
I'm thankful for my family, my husband, my friends, and my health.
I'm thankful for my friends, to love and be loved and for freedom.
I'm thankful to be employed;
I'm thankful to be alive and praise you for all these wonders.
I'm thankful that you have been so gracious
To give your only Son to us
Who gave his life and bore the Unbearable
For us sinners.
On this Thanksgiving Day,I take the Opportunity to give thanks for countless other
things you provide us with on a daily basis.
Prayer 2
Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks. Thank you for all the graces and blessings. You have bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage. Our food and shelter, our health, the loves we have for one another, our family and friends. Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity, please grant us continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year. This we ask in the Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.
Advent Wreath Prayers: Here is a way to pray during Advent in your home using a wreath.
The Advent Wreath Ceremony: The ceremony is simple. It starts at the evening meal on the Saturday before the first Sunday in Advent with the blessing of the wreath. (The head of the household is the one designated to say the prayers, following which various members of his family light the candles. If the group is not a family, then a leader may be selected to say the prayers and others appointed to light the candles)
On the First Sunday of Advent, the father of the family blesses the wreath, praying: O God, by whose word all things are sanctified, pour forth Thy blessing upon this wreath, and grant that we who use it may prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and may receive from Thee abundant graces. Who lives and reigns forever. Amen.”
Then the following prayer is said before the evening meal each night of the first week of Advent.
O Lord, stir up Thy might, we beg Thee, and come, that by Thy protection we may deserve to be rescued from the threatening dangers of our sins and saved by Thy deliverance. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
(Each night the first purple candle is lighted by the youngest child of the household and is left burning during the meal)
During the second week of Advent, the father prays: O Lord, stir up our hearts that we may prepare for Thy only begotten Son, that through His coming we may be made worthy to serve Thee with pure minds. Who lives and reigns forever. Amen.”
The oldest child then lights the purple candle from the first week plus another purple one.
During the third week of Advent, the father prays: O Lord, we beg Thee, incline Thy ear to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds by the grace of Thy visitation. Who lives and reigns forever. Amen.”
(The joyful Sunday in Advent is represented by rose or white instead of the penitential purple color. Each night during the third week the mother of the family lights the rose or white, as well as the two previously burned purple candles, after the following prayer has been said)
Finally, the father prays during the fourth week of Advent, O Lord, stir up Thy power, we pray Thee, and come; and with great might help us, that with the help of Thy grace, Thy merciful forgiveness may hasten what our sins impede. Who lives and reigns forever. Amen.”
The father then lights all of the candles of the wreath.
Advent is a time to stir-up our faith in the Lord. The wreath and its prayers provide the family to prepare for the birth of Jesus in a special way. This good tradition helps us to remain vigilant in our homes and not lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. The Advent Wreath reminds us of the need for spiritual preparation to fully share in the great joy of the birth of Christ, the Son of God who gave His life for us so that we might have eternal life.
Have a very nice Thanksgiving Day. Fr. Scott
Monday, November 16, 2009
Announcements: Christ the King
Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:
Saint Paul Second Collections: Thank you very much for your generosity. We collected $380.00 to help replenish our fund that helps needy people in the Bristol Bay area. Our fund is now up to $1,900. The fund started out at $4,500 from a donation from Father Kennedy.
Thanx Bernie: Thank you Bernie Venua for repairing the weather stripping on the garage door. The repair will save us money on heating fuel this winter. Your kindness is greatly appreciated by all of us at Holy Rosary!
Funerals: The past two weeks we have had one Catholic funeral per week at Holy Rosary. James Allen Gardiner, age 69 was buried at Kanakanak cemetery Nov 6, 2009. Loretta Mae Kimoktoak was buried Nov 13, 2009 at the same cemetery. Please keep their families in your prayers.
Thanx Altar Servers: Holy Rosary called upon altar servers to serve at the two recent funerals. For the Gardiner funeral Anthony and Walter served and for the Kimoktoak funeral Kara and Josh served. Thank you very much for your help!
Confirmation: Confirmation is going well. We added a new person to our RCIA progam, Gwendolyn Jean Wilson. Gwen, we are so happy to have you aboard. This week we learned about receiving communion at Holy Rosary. At Saint Theresa in Naknek, Dillon and his mom Stephanie came by for some altar server training. Dillon served for his first time on Sunday morn. Next week the RCIA and Confirmation people will be learning about the Liturgical seasons as we change from Green to Purple.
Gospel: Christ is our servant King and wants us to be servant Kings and Queens as well. In order to do that we need to have our compasses set to true north, i.e. our compasses centered on Christ. Good balance in our lives helps us to utilize our talents the way they were intended…for the greater glory of God.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Monday, November 9, 2009
Announcements: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Thinking about the Second Coming and death, can be a bit scary and can even cause some to panic. The reading Daniel, Hebrews, and Mark this week will give us confidence in eternal life.
Confirmation: Please see for a summary of those to be confirmed in our Catholic Church at Easter. A new blog was posted today. Please keep all of those being confirmed in your prayers. We will be meeting again this weekend to go over the creed, take on a special project for the Christmas Homily, talk about our sponsors, choose one of the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit make a presentation on, and receive our catechism books.
Ride to Church: If you can give a person a ride to Church this weekend, please call me at 842-5581 and I will give you the name and location of the person wanting to come to join us at Mass this Sunday.
Second Collection: The Saint Vincent De Paul Fund was started by Father Kennedy (the priest that took my place while I was studying canon law in DC) four years ago. The money is almost gone. We have used that $4,500 to help three individuals. For one family in South Naknek we purchased a Toyo stove and a year supply of Heating Fuel. For a street person who was released from prison, we paid for three days lodging while that person waited to be accepted into Granny’s assisted living in Dillingham. For another person, who is a recovering alcoholic, we purchased a pair of reading glasses. Please consider donating to this fund this weekend. Thank you!
Recognition of Minister: I would like to especially recognize Dee O’Connell for her dedication to keeping all of the linen cleaned and pressed. This is a very specialized job because it involves particular folding and continual monitoring. We could not have a Mass without purificators, special hand washing towels, corporals, and altar cloths. Dee has been depended on to perform this service since I arrived here in 2005. I am sure she was the linen minister long before I arrived. Thank you Dee for this important service you provide for our Catholic Church.
Have a fantastic day and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Monday, November 2, 2009
Announcements: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Confirmation Candidates: At Holy Rosary in Dillingham, Jim Larson, Alaina Grohall, Jim Ingram, Kara Ingram, and Jonna Bouker are candidates for confirmation this year. At Saint Theresa in King Salmon, Kierra Tretikoff and Dillon Brady are candidates. Please keep them in your prayers.
Gospel: The poor widow in the gospel gave two cents while the Pharisees gave much more. The old lady gave from her poverty while the Pharisees from their surplus. Surplus, as defined by the dictionary is the amount of money that remains after MY needs are met FIRST. The message is this: by being better stewards (managers) of our time, talent, and money, we can be more generous to others .
Thanx: Thank you very much Angela Clark and all who signed my Birthday card. Thank you for the gift as well. I will use the $ while I am visiting my brand-new-soon-to-be great Nephew when I am home for Thanksgiving.
Mission Talk: I was able to fly to Clarks Point, Ugashik, and King Salmon/Naknek this week. I took some pictures of Ugashik and they are posted on our website, There are also pictures some of our ministers a little farther down the webpage.
Funeral Mass: There will be a funeral Mass at Holy Rosary for James Gardener who died Friday. The funeral will be Friday, November 6, 2009 (time to be announced). Please keep James and his family in your prayers.
God bless and have a wonderful day…Fr. Scott
Monday, October 26, 2009
Announcements: All Saints Day
Clocks Fall Back: Don’t forget to set your clocks back. Actually, it’s OK if you don’t because it would mean that you show up for Mass an hour early and that is not a bad thing!
Rosary: This Sunday we will be praying the Rosary after Mass for our generous benefactors who contribute to our fuel fund. All are welcome.
Confirmation: After Mass November 8, I will meet with those wanting to be confirmed. If you would like to be in this group, please be available for a short meeting after Mass on that day.
Gospel: All Saints Day is a time to remember all those saintly people who have died. Our Catholic religion allows us to relate to an actual human being who struggled just like we do, who has dealt with the same problems we do, and who has prayed, had faith, and believed just like we do. The patron saints intercede for us, i.e. we pray with them, in the spirit, through the son, to God the Father. Because the saints know God a little better than we do, they help us articulate our prayers to God.
All Souls: Holloween is not a recognized feast day in our church. Catholics celebrate All Souls day, which is the day after All Saints day this year and not a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have the Book of the Dead in the back of the church for those of you who would like to enter a recently deceased loved one. We will pray for them during all Saints day during the Prayers of the Faithful.
Have a great week and enjoy this unexpected fall weather…Fr. Scott
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Announcements: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: The blind man in the gospel was in a hopeless situation. That prompted him to call on Jesus. Many times our hopelessness and suffering bring us closer to God. When do you acknowledge God?
TV Show: Wes Woodland will be leaving this Friday. He has been shooting about four hours of film per day for TV programs. Besides making the rounds with me, some of his other adventures include a trip to Twin Hills with Tucker Aviation, a ride to Platinum with Van Air, and a flight to New Stu and Ekwok with Shannon Air. On the way to these remote villages he interviewed army recruiters, teachers, wrestlers, mechanics, FAA Flight Service, and above all the Alaskan Bush Pilot.
Rosary: We pray the rosary after Mass the first Sunday of every month. We pray for the generous people who have contributed to our heating fuel fund. Please join us.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Special amended announcement: 29th Sunday Ord
56th Wedding Anniversary of Myrtie and Jim Carty: It is very rare these days to see a 56 year wedding anniversary. If you see Myrtie and Jim around town, please congratulate them. There anniversary was October 10. The main purpose of the potluck this week will be to celebrate their marriage...Fr. Scott
Monday, October 12, 2009
Announcements: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Potluck: We will have a celebration potluck after Mass this Sunday, October 18, 2009. The main event will be the celebration of Myrtie and Jim Carty's 56th wedding anniversary, CONGRATS! We will also be celebrating our guest Wes Woodland who will be here filming for the Discover Station. We will be celebrating Dr. Dan O’Connell’s and Spruce’s National Recognitions. We will be celebrating all the birthdays in October and Priest Sunday. Please bring your favorite dish if you want. All are welcome whether you bring something or not. Hope to see you all there!
Rosary: Next rosary will be prayed after Mass Sunday, November 1, 2009. All are welcome to join us to pray for all of our generous benefactors who contribute to our heating fuel fund.
New Saints: Pope Benedict canonized five new saints last Sunday: Among the new saints was Father Damien, who cared for leprosy victims in Hawaii at the end of the 19th century. He himself died of leprosy in 1889 at the age of 49. Others canonized included 19th century Polish archbishop Zygmunt Felinski. He was Archbishop of Warsaw and founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary. He died in 1895. Two Spanish monks, a Dominican, Francisco Coll y Guitart, and a Trappist, Rafael Arnaiz Baron, also reached sainthood. Finally, a woman was elevated to sainthood: Jeanne Jugan of France. She founded the order of the Little Sisters of the Poor in the 18th century. She died in 1879, and by then the institute had 2,500 workers looking after elderly women in 177 homes around the world.
Chancery Staff: There are pictures of chancery workers and their corresponding titles on our website, Holy Rosary pays 15% of our Sunday collection to help run the chancery.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Announcements: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Visitor 17-18-19 October (producer): Wes Woodland plans to arrive in Dillingham on the Penair Morning flight, Saturday, October 17, 2009. He currently works with the Dr. Phil show on TV. Wes hopes to do some footage of an actual bush pilot, which he will submit to the Discover Station. He may be filming at Mass Sunday, October 18th, so just thought I would give you a heads up. Here is a recent email he sent to me:
Father Scott: Thank you so much for your advice. After running it through the ranks, I am going to be heading to Dillingham on 10/17. I am excited with much work to be done. I would like to spend the day with you to King Salmon and back. I will send along some basic questions to ask... ie: flying, etc. I would love to pursue other stories as well. Anything with other pilots and spending time with them doing a delivery to remote place. Also, I'd love to shoot the basketball angle. Maybe Sunday late afternoon or Monday. If need be, I am available to stay longer. It is looking like the more remote areas have more yearlong bush pilot activity. So excited to meet you and explore your wonderful world. I am more than happy to make calls to assist in prospects for stories. Just wanted to shoot you an email with the latest. Wes Woodland
Confirmation and RCIA: So far at Holy Rosary we have three people who want to be confirmed around Easter time. At Saint Theresa in King Salmon there are two. We will start meeting after Mass in November. Please keep all of those entering our Catholic Church in your prayers.
Fuel Donations: A parishioner at Saint Michaels in Palmer, Alaska donated $1,000 towards our heating fuel fund. Thank you very much for your generosity and kindness and support of our mission.
Saint Vincent De Paul fund: Fr. Kennedy, who was here a couple of years ago filling in for me while I was in Washington DC going to Canon Law School, started a fund to help people in need. He donated $4,500. We have used half of that to help a lady in South Naknek purchase a new stove and heating fuel. We just used another $500 to help out SAFE in Dillingham to pay for an elderly man who was just released from the Dillingham prison. He needed a room for a few nights while SAFE and the lawyers tried to get him in Gramma’s house. If you would like to donate to this fund, please let me know or go to the Website,, click on donation, and put Saint Vincent fund in the description.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Monday, September 28, 2009
Announcements: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rosary: This coming Sunday, 4 October, we will be praying the Rosary after Mass for all of those generous people who are helping to pay for our heating fuel. All are welcome to join us.
Gospel: A priest has a duty to talk about all aspects of spiritual life, some easier to talk about than others. Divorce is a prevalent topic in the gospel this Sunday. What does our Catholic Church say about divorce? What does the gospel say? My goal for re-visiting this topic of divorce is to help our Catholic community to heal while growing closer to God. The talk will be beneficial to all, but especially rewarding to those Catholics who have divorced and re-married.
Anchorage Travel: I will be going to Anchorage October 5 to October 8th for a pastoral day, physical, and to learn how to be a Judge for our tribunal. I am currently the judge for one case from Juneau. I hope to prove to the Archdiocese that a tribunal, in this day and age, can be run anywhere, even Dillingham, Alaska.
Prayers: Please keep little four year old Jacob Belleque in your prayers for he has been diagnosed with a rare disease that we think is treatable and curable. It is called Kawasaki disease.
Our Parishioner receives National Honor: Our own Dr. Dan O’Connell, not surprising, has received a National recognized award. Here is a brief description: National Indian Health Board - Local Impact Award for 2009, was announced at the National Indian Health Board Consumer Conference in DC. I do not have all of the specifics but will keep you posted.
Repairs: Most of the windows have been sealed up on the rectory. Also, the south and west sides of the rectory have been painted, except for the trim. I am still trying to decide on a color, any thoughts??. Additionally the place where people fill up water jugs has been cleaned up and a new area built. Finally, a new sign was erected at the end of the driveway so people coming from the airport can know where we are and who we are.
Welcome Back and Farewell: This week we welcome back the Reynolds family (who spend time in the lower 48 with elderly parents) and Matteo Guarina (who is a pediatricain and works at our hospitol a few months out of the year); say farewell to Karen and Vic Belleque who spend winter in Arizona; safe travels to Spruce who will be traveling to Texas for a couple weeks to accept a national art award from the Military; safe travels to the Venua family who will be in California and Las Vegas for training and vacation for two weeks.
Have a fantastic day and see you Sunday! Fr. Scott
Monday, September 21, 2009
Announcements: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out! Definitely, this gospel message has a spiritual meaning rather than a literal one. For example, the eye is responsible to help us see just like each one of us has responsibilities to see and respond to the needs of our church. The body is hindered when losing a foot like our Christian Community is hindered or suffers when one of us sins.
Rosary: The next time we will pray the Rosary after Mass for the Archdiocesan Parishes who have contributed to our heating fuel will be Sunday, October 4, 2009. All are welcome to join us.
New Sign: A new sign is almost ready to be posted at the end of the driveway. The sign will be situated in a way that is visible to those coming from the Dillingham Airport. A picture of the post is below. The actual sign has to be attached. Since the sign that will be put up does not say anything about “WELCOME,” I have asked some of the parishioners to make a “welcome” sign to hang below or put above the sign.
World Youth Day 2011: I am still waiting for more specific information about the Madrid, Spain World Youth day. The autographed Green Bay Packer football I got while in Green Bay will hopefully raise a little money to get us started. Right now Rick Tennyson is looking into a way to auction it off.
Have a fantastic week, God bless, and see you Sunday, if not sooner…Fr. Scott
Monday, September 14, 2009
Announcements: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
THANK YOU: Bernie and Angie Venua spent several hours over two days washing the inside and outside of the church windows. What a great sacrifice they made for our beautiful church. Thank you very much Angie and Bernie for your kindness and generosity. We greatly appreciate your service!
Confirmation: We have two parishioners who will be confirmed around Easter Time. They will start instruction this month. They are Jim Larsen and Alaina Grohall. Please keep them in your prayers as Jim is converting to Catholicism and Alaina will be Baptized and celebrate First Communion at Saint Patrick’s in Anchorage and be Confirmed here in Dillingham during Easter.
Talent Finder: If anyone is interested in taking a talent survey, it is WELL worth the effort. God has made everyone unique with different talents. This test will help you find your top talents. There are 36 possible talents. The idea is to focus on strengthening your God given talents rather than wasting time on weaknesses. To register, go to the website: and follow instructions. There may be a cost involved. There are one in 33.39 million people in the world who have your top five talents in the same order. No one on earth has the same top eight talents, in the same order, as you, i.e. we are special!
Canon Law: I have been asked to fill in as the Judicial Vicar of Juneau for six months while the current canon lawyer goes to Iraq. I will be taking care of the tribunal affairs for Juneau by mail. I may travel to Sitka once in that eight months to visit people working in the tribunal there and to check out Mt. Edgecome, as so many of our young people attend that private school.
Repairs and Improvements: We have everything I need to put up a sign at the end of the driveway. Hopefully I will get it up in the next couple weeks. We are also completing the window trim as I was able to purchase 10 square feet of cedar shingles at SBS in Anchorage.
Gospel: The disciples in the gospel next week are caught up in selfish ambition. The message is this: Don’t just be ambitious and DO something in your life! Aspire to BE someone…the person that God wants you to be!possibly be! Ambition is earthly. Aspiration is heavenly.
Picture taken in Levelock, Alaska 12 September 2009.
Have a fantastic day and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Monday, September 7, 2009
Announcements: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Peter is thinking like a human and Jesus gets upset with him. Have you ever tried thinking with the “mind of God” rather than thinking like a human. Thinking with the mind of God, for example, might look something like this: We not only need God, but God needs us as well. We are the Hands of God!
Easter Confirmation: I am getting together a list of those people who would like to become Catholic and those young adults who would like to be confirmed Catholic. I need to start working with people by the end of October. These people will be become full members of the Catholic Church or be Confirmed at the Easter Vigil 2010.
Thank-you – Thank you Bernie Venua for helping trim the outside windows of the rectory. These 10 windows are nearly complete. I need to purchase a few more cedar shingles in Anchorage to finish up.
Priest Retreat: I will be in Anchorage this week from Monday, Sep 7 through Thursday, Sep 10 on a Archdiocesan priest retreat. It will be at the Holy Spirit Retreat House on Hillside. I will also be attending a finance meeting with Sister Charlotte and Jim Caldarola.
Rosary: I was running behind this week and we did not get a chance to pray the rosary after mass for all our generous benefactors who have contributed to our heating fuel. I had to cancel it. We will try again after mass this Sunday, September 13, 2009. From the letters I have sent out to the Archdiocese of Anchorage parishes last week I have already received $600 from Sacred Heart in Seward (Fr. Dick Tero). Our fuel bill last month was $12,000 and the entire bill was paid for by Anchorage parishes. I believe that this generosity and kindness is a direct result of our praying the Rosary each month as a community. Thank you!
Have a fantastic week, God bless you, and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Monday, August 31, 2009
Announcements: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rosary: Recently I sent out twelve letters thanking Archdiocesan parishes for their fuel donations and asking them to continue with their support. After Mass this Sunday, to show our thanks for these generous parishes, we will pray a rosary for them. All are welcome to join us.
Fishing Gear: Pat Durbin has generously donated his subsistence gear to Holy Rosary Parish. Thank you very much Pat. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.
Thank you: I never have to worry about the Church/Rectory when I leave for extended periods of time, i.e. three week-ends. Everyone seems to pull together. The church and rectory were in ship shape when I returned. Thanks to all of you and especially Aileen for the communion services.
Priest Retreat/Finance meeting: I will be in Anchorage Sep 7-10 for a priest retreat. I will also be meeting with Sister Charlotte and other Archdiocesan Finance personnel to help resolve our financial short fall this last year. Angie and I have been putting together a report to deliver to them.
Repairs: In the next couple of weeks I hope to be finishing the trim on the outside of the new storm windows. Also, I hope to set up a new sign at the end of the driveway. Finally, I would like to get started on putting a shower in the basement of the church. We will probably have Anchorage Youth visit again next July.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Monday, August 24, 2009
Announcements: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: There are lots of Laws that we as catholics have to abide by. There is divine or natural law. There is canon law, constitutive law, universal law, and particular law. Custom is a type of law. There are laws made by the government or civil law. The Gospel talks about law. What is the most important law?
Flying Father Article: There is an article written by Hillel Kuttler submitted to the AOPA. It was posted on the General Aviation Serves America webpage. It talks about our mission. AB Hurley, Father Clem, and I were interviewed. If you would like to check it out, CLICK HERE.
Finance Meeting: I will be going to Anchorage in September to talk about finances for our mission. We came up short last year and need to figure out some new ways to raise money. Thank you for all of your support. We at Holy Rosary give more per family than most other parishes in the Archdiocese. We just do not have enough parishioners to cover all of the expenses.
Priest Retreat: While in Anchorage meeting with the Archdiocese about our finances, I will be attending a priest retreat as well.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Announcements: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mission Talks: I have completed the talks to raise money for the world missions. There are pictures posted on
Traveling problems: My flight from Green Bay to Wilmington, NC. was fraught with delays. From severe thunder, rain, and lightening, to fuel leaks and instrument malfunctions, to a plane having a “bird strike” right before we landed in Charlotte, NC. The bird strike mess had to be cleaned up before we could land.
Hurricane Bill: This hurricane is about four days away from hitting the East Coast. It may be a category three but thankfully is not expected to strike the East Coast.
Thank you: Thank you Aileen for doing communion services. What a great service you are doing for our church! I hope to be back the last Sunday in August.
Holy Rosary Sign: A sign was made for the entrance of the other driveway. I plan to put two fence post into the ground then build two rock fence post cylinders around them and then frame the sign with wood. If you have any other ideas please let me know.
Below is my reflection on the scripture for this week and a couple of pictures. Have a wonderful week and God Bless…Fr. Scott
Flying over the Mississippi River on my way to Green Bay.
A huge statue of Honest Abe at the Reagan National Airport in DC.
Several people asked me about Former Governor Sara Palin. I decide to put a picture of her and I on my blog.
After reading the gospel for this week, here is a my reflection. The readings follow.
All through history people have been given a choice. The choice is, that they can freely choose God, or not. All through history, there have been people who did not choose God. They chose to betray God in the Old Testament. They chose to betray Jesus in the New Testament. Sometimes we choose to betray God. What is God’s response when we want to make amends…he takes us back. We mess up, we say we are sorry, and Jesus takes us back…that is mercy.
Take a look at the Old Testament. The easiest way to look at the Old Testament is from the standpoint of Salvation History. There is a basic pattern in the Old Testament that goes like this: God promises us salvation, we promise to keep his commandments, we break our promise and betray him, and God gives us another chance. It is a cycle that goes on and on. It started with Adam and Eve. There was sin, but God saved us. Next came the first human family, Cain killed Able. Eventually sin got so bad that God sent a great flood. Noah started the human race over again. The rainbow is a sign that God will not completely destroy the world again.
So, when humans became sinful after the flood, God took different measures. The Tower of Babel story illustrated man's wickedness. The tower was the start of an urban culture being built apart from God. God scattered these people and broke it up.
Then came the story of Abraham. A covenant was made and broken. People sinned and they ended up in slavery. God’s chosen people ended up the slaves of Egyptians. Again, God showed them mercy. The Exodus. God saved the people again. He elected Moses to lead them to the promise land. Once they reached the promise land, a number of sinful and corrupt Kings started leading the God’s chosen people. King David was probably the best, but they got progressively worse.
The story of Joshua, our first reading, is a story about God giving His people another chance…allowing them to renew their promise to God to keep the commandments. In the Old Testament, every generation had a choice to choose God. Many did not choose God. They betrayed God.
Finally, God took a stand. He had tried numerous human people to lead his people to salvation, Abraham, Moses, King David…to name a few. God took a stand. He is giving us one last chance to clean up our act. He sent us his Son, Jesus Christ.
Do you think people will betray Jesus. Yes. Judas did. Peter did three times. In the Gospel, numerous disciples of Jesus betrayed him. Jesus said, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” People had a choice, they refused…even the apostles became divided.
The beauty of Christianity is that if we betray Jesus, he will welcome us back with open arms. All we have to do is make that choice. As the Old Testament portrays, God is a loving and merciful God who continually saves us despite our sinfulness.
In the New Testament, Catholic Christians believe that we must choose Jesus for salvation. Choosing Jesus is the last chance we have for salvation. Jesus is our only hope.
What we are all called to do today is take a very close look at our commitment, our covenant with God. Do we choose God seven days a week? Do we choose God in our personal lives? Do we choose God at work and school? Do we choose God when we interact with people in our community (612 Total)?
Joshua 24:1-2&15-18
Joshua gathered together all the tribes of Israel at Shechem, summoning their elders, their leaders, their judges and their officers. When they stood in ranks before God, Joshua addressed all the people: "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: In times past your fathers, down to Terah, father of Abraham and Nahor, dwelt beyond the River and served other gods. If it does not please you to serve the LORD, decide today whom you will serve, the gods your fathers served beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose country you are dwelling. As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." But the people answered, "Far be it from us to forsake the LORD for the service of other gods. For it was the LORD, our God, who brought us and our fathers up out of the land of Egypt, out of a state of slavery. He performed those great miracles before our very eyes and protected us along our entire journey and among all the peoples through whom we passed. At our approach the LORD drove out (all the peoples, including) the Amorites who dwelt in the land. Therefore we also will serve the LORD, for he is our God."
Ephesians 5: 21-32
Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of the church, he himself the savior of the body. As the church is subordinate to Christ, so wives should be subordinate to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word, that he might present to himself the church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. So (also) husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. "For this reason a man shall leave (his) father and (his) mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church.
John 6: 60-69
Then many of his disciples who were listening said, "This saying is hard; who can accept it?" Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, "Does this shock you? What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But there are some of you who do not believe." Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him. And he said, "For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father." As a result of this, many (of) his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. Jesus then said to the Twelve, "Do you also want to leave?" Simon Peter answered him, "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God."
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Announcements: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Since we have a Saint Peter the Fisherman church at Clarks Point, AK, I decided to take a few pictures of another Saint Peter in Two Rivers, WI. In one of the stained glass window scenes, they actually have a Milk Cow.
See you in a couple of weeks...Fr. Scott
Pictures from Saint Peter the Fisherman in Two Rivers, WI.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Announcements: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Congrats: Congratulations to Spruce for her award winning video about footsteps in the sand. Her three minute video, which was entered through the Department of Veterans Affairs, won third place in the nation. She may be going to Florida to be recognized for this. I am currently in the process of getting her video digitalized and hope to show it at mass and/or put it on our Web site.
Gospel: The Gospel of John reminds us that Jesus is the bread of life. What is the significance of the Eucharist in your life? Join us this Sunday for a more in depth look at the Body of Christ. Aileen will be offering a communion service in my absence.
Emergency Contact while Traveling: I will be using a cell phone. If you need to reach me in the next few weeks you can call Holy Rosary and leave a message. I will be retrieving the phone messages from Holy Rosary, (907)-842-5581, while I am traveling. Also, I will be carrying a cell phone which is only good outside of Dillingham (no cell phone reception here in Dillingham). If you have an emergency please contact me at this cell number: (541) 350-6046. You may also call the chancery in Anchorage at (907) 297-7700. This weekend I will be at Good Shepherd Parish in Chilton, Wisconsin. Masses are Aug 8 Saturday at 4:00 PM and 7:30 PM; Sunday Aug 9 at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.
Thank You: Thanks Pat Durbin for tuning up my lawn mower. See below.
As you can see, Pat really gets into his work!
Have a fantastic week and remember to check out our website at for updates on my travels and mission talks. Fr. Scott
The small Village of Manakotak taken while I flew over last week.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Announcements: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rosary: The Rosary will be prayed after mass this Sunday for all of our generous benefactors. All are welcome to join us.
Gospel: Jesus is the bread of life. If you eat this bread, Jesus tells us that we will never hunger or thirst. The Eucharist is food for the journey in this life and the next. What this means is that the Eucharist will help us fulfill all of our appetites, including physical, emotional, and spiritual ones. It is also Viaticum, the food for transitioning between this life and the next.
Three Baptisms: Today, Monday, I will be baptizing three children from Clarks Point here at Holy Rosary: Raydon six years old, Halle ten, and Kristina fourteen.
Mission Talks: There are five Sundays in the month of August. I will be here for the first and last ones. The middle three I will be in and around Green Bay to give mission talks to help raise money for the Alaskan missions. One of those weeks I will be spending with Eric and Dawn in Wilmington, NC. Eric is the guy who is responsible for my conversion into the Catholic faith. We met when we were both attending college at UAF.
Website: I hope to keep you updated on my blog while I am traveling in August. I am hoping to watch the Green Bay Packers practice at Lambeau Field and will post the pictures.
Have a fantastic week and see you this Sunday…Fr. Scott
Monday, July 20, 2009
Announcements: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rosary: The rosary will be prayed after mass, Sunday, August 2nd. We continue to pray for our generous benefactors that first Sunday of every month. Please join us. We may also expose the Blessed Sacrament while we pray the rosary.
Gospel: The feeding of the 5000 is a favorite parable among Catholics. Obviously the parable refers to the Eucharist, where all are nourished by Christ, our host. Believing that the bread and wine actually turn into the Body and Blood of Christ is part of being a Catholic. The answer to believing in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is being able to distinguish between scientific and religious truth. During the homily this Sunday, the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist will be discussed.
Thank You: Thanks Karen and Vic Belleque for organizing the 50th anniversary potluck for Dan and Dee O’Connell. It was a grand event! Congratulations Dan and Dee.
Mission Talks near Green Bay: There are five Sundays in August. I will be gone the middle three. I will be at Good Shepherd Parish in Chilton, WI the 8th and 9th and at Holy Cross and Saint Anne parishes in Mishicot, WI the 15th and 16th. I also plan to visit my friends Eric and Dawn in Wilmington, NC for a week. I will be raising money for our Holy Rosary Mission.
Finance: Angie just closed out the fiscal year 2008-2009 Sunday. Thank you so much Angie. Also, our 1995 Ford 4X4 F150 is in need of new tires, oil change, tune up, and possibly a U-joint. I purchased new tires and have an appointment Tuesday to take it in to Stellings for repairs.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday, if not sooner…Fr. Scott
Monday, July 13, 2009
Announcements: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Special Potluck: This Sunday, July 19, 2009, there will be a potluck to celebrate Dan and Dee’s 50th wedding anniversary. What a mile-stone. Congrats! Please bring your favorite dish, and/or yourself. There will be special blessings and intercessions for Dan and Dee throughout the Mass.
Gospel: Jesus notices that the people are like sheep without a shepherd. When he saw this he stopped and taught them many things. There are some great advantages to belonging to a close knit community (or a large flock). It takes a good shepherd to point out those advantages. A good shepherd will ensure that their flock is safe, strong, Christ centered, and at peace.
Youth Visit: Thanks to all of you, the youth visit seemed to be a success. Parishioners came by from time to time, some came to the potluck, some out to the lake, and Brian, Angeli, and Chelsea helped with community service. Check out the pictures on Special thanks to Karen Belleque who organized the potluck, Bernie Venua who cooked at the Lake, Brian who altar served at the lake, and Janice Williams who let us use four folding beds.
Inspections: We have a couple of inspections coming up. This week, the boiler will be inspected. August 7, an insurance inspector will be around to check out the smoke detectors, extinguishers, exit signs, etc. Pat Durbin and Bernie have been a great help in getting everything ready, THANK YOU!
Thank you Angie: Angie will be closing out the books this month. What a fantastic service she does for our Church. She first has to close out the month for both Saint Theresa and Holy Rosary, then the year. Thank you Angie Venua for donating your time and talent. You are greatly appreciated.
Have a fantastic week, God Bless, and see you Sunday.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Announcements: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Youth Potluck: Holy Rosary parishioners will be providing a potluck for the Catholic youth visiting from Anchorage. (6:00 PM, Thursday, July 9, 2009). All are welcome to join us and meet those youth from Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton and Saint Benedict. Please bring your favorite dish.
Holy Rosary Schedule of events for youth visit. Please come and join us!
Monday, July 6th
1. 1:00 PM Youth arrive on Penair flight, load gear in truck, walk to Holy Rosary
2. Van From Beaver Bed and Breakfast, Susan, 842-7335
3. Set up basement of church and basement of rectory
4. Grocery shopping
Tuesday, July 7th
1. 9:00 AM Morning Mass at Holy Rosary
2. 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Community Service: Dillingham Cemetery (Janice 842-2475)
3. Clear trees for statue at Holy Rosary
4. Option: Subsistence fishing: High Tide 3:48 P.M.
Wednesday, July 8th
1. 10:00 AM Visit to Clarks Point (Chelsea 236-1448, Mariano 236-1294)
2. 11:30 AM Mass at Saint Peter Fisherman
3. Lunch at Clarks Point
Thursday, July 9th
1. 10:00 AM Sr. Center, (Gusty Bartman/Skit?), Mass 11:00 AM , Lunch ($4.50)
2. 1:00 to 3:00, Peter Pan tour (Sherry, 842-5415)
3. 3:00 to 4:00, Grammas’ House visit (Angeli, 842-3424) skip or singing/music.
4. 6:00 PM Pot Luck by Holy Rosary parishioners at basement of Holy Rosary
5. Bon Fire Holy Rosary Parking Lot following potluck
Friday, July 10th
1. 9:00 AM Mass at Holy Rosary
2. 10:00 AM Drive out to Lake, 21 Miles, Mountain climb, Fish.
3. 3:30 Check in at Airport, Youth depart on 5:30 flight
Penair AS3253, Anchorage to Dillingham, Departs 11:30 AM on Monday, June 6, Arrive 1:00 PM
PenairAS3256, Dillingham to Anchorage, Departs 5:30 PM on Friday, June 10
Gospel: Jesus sends out his apostles with only sandals and the shirt on their back. The message: simplicity of life is a way to increase our faith in God.
Iris in front of statue: Angela Clark and I flew to Clarks point and got some beautiful purple iris to plant in front of the statue of Mary. Karen Belleque also contributed some nice perennials. Thank you!
Have a great week and hope to see you at the potluck on Thursday…Fr. Scott
Monday, June 29, 2009
Announcements: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Subsistence fishing: After about ten minutes of having my net out for the first time this year, I got a few hits. I pulled in the net on the pulley system and there was a huge king and a few reds. In about 30 minutes I had enough reds to smoke (10 reds, known as sockeye). It was a beautiful day. Pat Durbin came down to check things out. It is his fishing gear that I am using. He pointed out the floating island in the picture and that my King Salmon was around 38 pounds. More about Pat below.
Rosary: After Mass this Sunday we will be praying a Rosary for all of our generous benefactors, especially those Anchorage Archdiocesan parishes who have helped us with heating fuel. All are welcome to join us this Sunday.
Youth Visit: Twelve youth from Saint Benedict and Saint Elizabeth parishes should be here July 6 to July 10. We have a great week planned for them such as a visit to Clarks Point, a bon fire, community service (Dillingham Grave Yard), Peter Pan tour, Mass at the Senior Center, and daily Mass. If you are interested in joining us, please do, all are welcome.
Canon Law: My visit to Anchorage last week pulled me a little deeper into the realm of canon law. Currently I am defender of the bond, which means if a person wants an annulment, I fight against it. In the 46 cases I did this year, I won one. Now, they want to make me Judicial Vicar and Judge of the tribunal. I told them that with communication the way it is I could practically run the tribunal from here in Dillingham. I think they were OK with that. I will be traveling to Anchorage once every two months this next year to train out to be the Judge.
Gospel: Jesus preaches in his own home town. The people remember him as a carpenter’s son. Now he is claiming to be the Messiah? This same boy who we hung out with in school? This same boy who we teased and played ball with? The people are envious and run Jesus out of town. How can we overcome this sin of envy?
Status on Pat: Pat Durbin has returned from Anchorage. To help his circulation, surgeons had to run some kind of wire down the veins of his legs. His entire stomach is bruised but he his walking around. In fact, he walked part of the way to Holy Rosary from the Airport. He will be returning to Anchorage in a couple of weeks to possibly have a shunt/stint? put into his heart.
Thank you: Thanks to Brian for volunteering to be altar server at the two funerals we had. He was a tremendous help to me in ensuring a prayerful and distraction free environment for the mourners. Thank you to all who helped at the funeral for Terry Nelson. The potluck and decorations were wonderful!
Prayers: Please pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life this week.
Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday...Fr. Scott
Monday, June 22, 2009
Announcements: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Funeral for Terry Nelson: The funeral for Mary Theresa Nelson will be Friday, June 26, at 1:00 PM. There will be a potluck to follow. Please keep the Nelson family in your prayers.
50th Anniversary Celebration: Dan and Dee O’Connell celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, June 7th. What a great blessing their marriage has been to our Catholic Church. There will be a special blessing of their marriage during Mass in July, followed by a Potluck. More to come later…stay tuned!
Gospel: Jesus heals two sick people in the gospel. It drains him. When the hemorrhaging woman touched his cloak, “The power drained out of him.” We all have the ability to heal others in certain ways. Healing others calls us to go that extra mile to help another in need. For example, say a kind word to a street person, re-adjust your busy schedule to sit with a suffering person, or pray for someone.
Prayers: Please pray for Pat Durbin as he is having more tests on his heart. He will be in Anchorage Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If the doctors find complications, he may stay longer.
Youth Visit: The youth are scheduled to come from Anchorage July 6-10. If you have a life preserver for the skiff ride to Clarks point, would you mind dropping it by Holy rosary and putting it in the Old Church. Also, I am looking for some sleeping mats, 12 total, to put on the floor of the church basement and rectory basement for sleeping. Beaver Bed and Breakfast basically donated a van for us to use while they are here. They are charging us only $100 for using it a week. Several youth from around Dillingham have offered to help out, for example Angeli Venua, Kristen Clark. and Chelsea Wassily.
August Mission Talks: I will going to Green Bay Wisconsin August 5th through the 27th for mission talks and to visit my friends Eric and Dawn in North Carolina. During the mission talks I will be the celebrant at all of the week-end masses in each location. Aileen Walsh will be providing communion services in my absence. Thank you so much Aileen. Below is a schedule of my mission talks. These talks are to help raise money for our Holy Rosary Mission.
August 8-9
Good Shepherd Parish, Chilton, WI; Mass: Sat at 4:00 PM, Sun 8 and 10 AM
August 15-16
Holy Cross parish in Mishicot and Saint Ann Parish in Francis Creek; Mass: Sat 4:00 and 6:00 PM, Sun 8:00 and 10:00 AM
August 17-27
Wilmington, NC
Good Luck Fishing! Have a blessed week…Fr. Scott
Monday, June 15, 2009
Announcements: 12th Sunday in Ordinary time
Funeral: There will be a funeral for William Tennyson tomorrow, June 16, at the 7th Day Adventist Church at 2:00 PM. After the Funeral Mass, we will meet in the Holy Rosary parking lot for a procession to the cemetery and burial ceremony. Please remember the Tennyson family in your prayers.
Thank you: Thank you Pat Durban and Bernie, Angie, and Brian Venua for helping tear down the Handicap ramp. It broke while Vic B. was standing on it. He was hurt, but fortunately, no broken bones. There were several places that showed rot after the ramp was torn apart. We need to start planning a new ramp, any suggestions?
Clarks Point Baptism: June 12, Samuel James Slattengren was baptized at Clarks Point. Congrats to Brittany and all the Clarks Point Community. Please see pictures on the Holy Rosary Home Page,
Gospel: The calming of a storm is not something we, as mere human beings, can do. Only God can calm a storm. Only Jesus can calm our inner storms. We must trust, have faith so we can build up our inner faith. Then we can weather any storm.
Rosary: Join us after mass as we, as a Catholic Community, pray the rosary together. We will dedicate the rosary to all of our generous benefactors, especially those Archdiocesan parishes who have helped with our fuel bill. The next rosary will be prayed after mass on Sunday, July 5th.
Catholic Youth to Visit Dillingham: Here is a rough draft of events that the youth will partake in while they are here at Holy Rosary. All are welcome to hook up with us, especially youth from Dillingham, Clarks, and King Salmon.
Holy Rosary Youth Visit
Monday July 6 2009 to Friday July 10 2009
July 6th
1. Youth arrive on morning Penair flight, load gear in truck, walk to Holy Rosary
2. Set up basement of church and basement of rectory (need mats or sleeping pad)
3. Meet youth from Dillingham, Clarks Point, King Salmon
4. Subsistence Fishing instruction, fishing
July 7th
1. Morning Mass at Holy Rosary 10:00 AM
2. Work day in the community (need ideas, pick up trash, stack wood, etc.)
3. Work day Holy Rosary
July 8th
1. Visit to Clarks Point (skiff or fly)
2. Mass at Saint Peter Fisherman, 11:30 AM
3. Bon Fire back at Holy Rosary
July 9th
1. Morning Mass, possibly at Senior center
2. Visit Senior center: Speaker on Alaska History?
3. Visit Grammas’ House for the dying?
4. Tour of Peter Pan?
5. Tour of Hospital?
July 10th – Youth depart on evening Penair Flight
Have a fantastic day and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Announcements: Corpus Christi
Blessing of the Fleet: Thank you to all who participated in the Blessing of the Fleet. I would like to say, “Thank you very much Angela Clark and the Clark family for organizing and coordinating this annual event.” Thank you especially to Aileen Walsh, the Venuas, June Ingram, Janice Shilanski, and Pat Durbin for helping out. This is a huge undertaking and your time and talent is greatly appreciated. FANTASTIC JOB!
Gospel: Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) is the center of our faith. Catholics believe that the priest, during the consecration, actually changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Other protestant religions believe that the bread and wine only represent Christ’s Body and Blood.
Need Some Work Done?: Youth from Anchorage will be in Dillingham the week of July 4th. They are scheduled to work in our Dillingham community July 7, Tuesday. If you, or if you know of anyone who needs some extra help around the house/yard, etc., please let me know and we will put you/them on our list.
Flowers: Flowers are starting to emerge around Holy Rosary church and rectory. Thank you to those who help to beautify our church.
Prayers: Please continue to keep the Tennyson family in your prayers. William continues to struggle with cancer. Toda, I have been invited by the family to come by and pray a rosary for William.
One Bread one Body: We have come close to our goal of $2,200. Thank you for supporting the missions of Alaska. The appeal will be over this week. If you would like to donate, please let me know.
Flying: Last week I flew to several villages in our town I have not flown to, including Valdez, Whittier, Seward, and Talkeetna. It was intense mountain flying. From Whittier to Valdez is very rugged. There is not any good place to land (water or mountain cliffs or glaciers), no VOR, and no radio contact. It was a bit un-nerving and I prayed that my GPS would not glitch out.
I was able to concelebrate Mass with Fr. Dick Tero and Deacon Wally Corrigan in Seward. Playing music at the Mass was the popular Christian family Shaelaurel. They were fabulous. Check them out -
Below are a few pictures of my trip.
Have a great week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott
Between Whittier and Valdez
Almost to Valdez! You can see the runway off to the right, a little over half way up.
Saint Francis Xavier, Catholic Church in Valdez. Sr. Maria Ann Brent S.H.F. Administrator.
On the way to Seward via Skilak lake pass.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Announcements: The Most Holy Trinity
Lake Clark Pass: I took two pictures of Lake Clark Pass as I entered the West end. As you can see it was a gorgeous day. At the West end here I could either go left or straight ahead around the mountain. I went straight ahead. I had to turn the airplane side ways to get the pictures so the propeller would be out of the way. I was at 4,500 feet when I took the pictures.
Blessing of the Fleet: The blessing of the fleet is this Saturday, June 6th, at 2:00 PM. For more information please contact Angela Clark at 842-5331 for more information.
Prayers: Please keep William Tennyson in your prayers and all those who are struggling with cancer. After mass this Sunday, lets dedicate the Rosary to all those suffering from terminal illness.
Gospel: The Most Holy Trinity is one of the great mysteries in our Catholic tradition. God is one nature, yet three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Think of the roles of a woman who is a wife, mother, and Godparent. The Most Holy Trinity signifies the end of Easter Season and beginning of Ordinary Time.
Catholic Youth to Visit Dillingham: July 6-7-8-9-10 youth from Anchorage will be visiting Holy Rosary. If you know of someone who will lend us a van, please let me know. Also, please contact me if you know of any community service projects. The youth will be working in the community Tuesday, July 7.
My Schedule Next Week: I flew the airplane to Anchorage after the Memorial day blessing of the cemetery last week. I plan to return to Anchorage Monday, June first to help out with ACYC (a three day seminar and retreat for all youth of the Archdiocese of Anchorage) at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton. I will be at the vocations booth trying to interest young people in becoming religious brothers or sisters or priests. I also plan to fly the airplane to Valdez, Cordova, Glenallen, and Seward before flying back to Dillingham.
Thank you: Nora at Cracker box donated 50 Carnations for the cemetery Memorial Blessing. We put a carnation on every grave site. Thank you Nora H. Also, thank you Brian for volunteering to be altar server during the Blessing. For more about the Memorial Day Blessing of the cemetery see the pictures on
Have a wonderful week and God Bless you! Fr. Scott
Monday, May 25, 2009
Announcements: Pentecost
Blessing of the Fleet: Saturday, June 6, at 2:00 PM is the blessing of the fleet. We need help that Saturday morning picking up chairs and tables at Holy Rosary, then taking them to the harbor. We also need help setting up the tent that same morning, Saturday June 6. Finally we need a volunteer to pick up the generator, amplifier, and microphone and set it up near the bell tower at the harbor, (Saturday morning right before the fleet blessing). Your time and talent will be greatly appreciated! Thank you Angela C. for your dedication and hard work!
Cement Pillar: A cement pillar over 1000 pounds has been, well, yanked out of the parking lot at Holy Rosary. It emerged as a small cement protrusion. After Mass on Sunday we dug around it. Pat D, Bernie V, and I found out it was a bit larger than we had expected. With Pat’s cable, knowledge, and tough old Ford, we basically yanked it out. It had frost on the bottom of it when we finally conquered it. Thank you for all the hard work! (see picture below, that is a yard stick not a ruler)
Pentecost: Pentecost is when Jesus sent his Holy Spirit among us. There are both Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through prayer and openness, we can enliven the spirit residing in our hearts to help us in our daily lives.
Confirmation Judy George: I will be confirming Judy George, Friday, May 29, at 11:30 AM at Saint Peter the Fisherman in Clarks Point, with permission from the Archbishop of course! Judy was supposed to be confirmed during Easter Vigil but sickness in the family forced her to delay the confirmation. Judy is converting from the Moravian faith.
Prayers: Please keep William Tennyson and the Tennyson family in your prayers. William continues to struggle with cancer. Saying a rosary for all victims of cancer would be an excellent way to help out spiritually. June 7 is the next time our church prays the rosary as a community after Mass. Lets dedicate this next one to William and all those struggling with cancer!
Youth to Visit: July 6-7-8-9-10 youth from St. Benedict and SEAS will be visiting Holy Rosary. We need transportation. If you know of a person that would lend us a van or drive us around, please let me know. Also we need some community service work to do on July 7th.
Enjoy the sun and have a fantastic week, and see you Sunday! Fr. Scott