Holy Week Schedule:
Holy Thursday, April 1, 5:30 PM, Holy Rosary
(foot washing)
Good Friday, April 2, 5:30 PM, Holy Rosary
(veneration of the Cross)
Easter Vigil: April 3, 8:00 PM, Holy Rosary
Prayers: Please keep little Katelyn Swaim in your prayers as she may be getting an ear operation this week.
Church Basement Shower: The shower will be completed this week. Also both bathrooms will have a fresh coat of paint. Below, Scott King of King’s Carpentry puts together the shower door.
Clarks Point: While back-taxing runway 36 at Clarks Point Friday I took a picture of the wind sock. It was blowing pretty good, probably around 30 knots.
Subscribe to Announcements: Remember, if you scroll down to the bottom of the blue color on the right of the announcements you will see a subscribe input area. If you enter your email, then confirm it after it reaches your inbox, the Holy Rosary announcements will automatically be sent to you when they are updated.
Baptisms: During the Easter Vigil the Weiland's three children, Karis, Whitney, and Logan, will be baptized. Other baptisms, confirmations, and marriages will be in early June when the Archbishop visits Holy Rosary.
The Holiest week of the year begins on Palm Sunday, but the world does not stop turning. During Holy Week work, school, TV sitcoms, and the hustle and bustle of life goes on. What do YOU do if you want to make this a “holy week?” Please decide now! Have a prayerful and meaningful week…Fr. Scott