Sunday, March 28, 2010

Announcements: Easter

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Holy Week Schedule:
Holy Thursday, April 1, 5:30 PM, Holy Rosary

(foot washing)

Good Friday, April 2, 5:30 PM, Holy Rosary
(veneration of the Cross)

Easter Vigil: April 3, 8:00 PM, Holy Rosary

Prayers: Please keep little Katelyn Swaim in your prayers as she may be getting an ear operation this week.

Church Basement Shower: The shower will be completed this week. Also both bathrooms will have a fresh coat of paint. Below, Scott King of King’s Carpentry puts together the shower door.

Clarks Point: While back-taxing runway 36 at Clarks Point Friday I took a picture of the wind sock. It was blowing pretty good, probably around 30 knots.

Subscribe to Announcements: Remember, if you scroll down to the bottom of the blue color on the right of the announcements you will see a subscribe input area. If you enter your email, then confirm it after it reaches your inbox, the Holy Rosary announcements will automatically be sent to you when they are updated.

Baptisms: During the Easter Vigil the Weiland's three children, Karis, Whitney, and Logan, will be baptized. Other baptisms, confirmations, and marriages will be in early June when the Archbishop visits Holy Rosary.

The Holiest week of the year begins on Palm Sunday, but the world does not stop turning. During Holy Week work, school, TV sitcoms, and the hustle and bustle of life goes on. What do YOU do if you want to make this a “holy week?” Please decide now! Have a prayerful and meaningful week…Fr. Scott

Monday, March 22, 2010

Announcements: Palm Sunday

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Palm Sunday: Palm Sunday will begin outside in front of the steps leading to the Church. We will begin with a Gospel reading and the Blessing of Palms before we process back in. The Palms still have not arrived from Kaufer’s Religious Supplies so I will be calling them today (Monday). It is cutting it very close for out here in the bush. The ordering for the palms each year are automatically ordered.

Holy Week: Holy Thursday and Good Friday will be at 5:30 PM. Easter celebration will be Saturday, April 3rd at 8:00 PM. There will no Easter Sunday Mass.

Mass of Oils: March 30th, the Tuesday of Holy Week, is when the Archbishop will bless the oils for the entire Archdiocese of Anchorage. This Mass of Oils will be at 7:00 PM, at the Holy Family Cathedral in Anchorage. If you would like to be present to accept the Sacred Oils for Holy Rosary and Saint Theresa, please let me know.

Thank you: Thank you Terry Hill for singing the meditation song. We hope to continue to hear from you in the future, i.e. every Sunday! Thank you Bernie for replenishing the hydraulic fluid in the plow. Thank you to Aileen Walsh (narrator) and Angela Clark (voice) for volunteering to read the Passion.

Flying: The weather mass fantastic and I was able to land at five villages this week, Ekwok, Kokhanok, Levelock, Clarks Point, and King Salmon. In the next two weeks I hope to fly down to the Chignicks. Our Cherokee Warrior II will be going in for its annual inspection around Easter (Tibbett’s Airmotive in King Salmon).

Shower: The shower in the basement in our church should be complete by the middle of this week.

Scott King seals up the seams in the sheet-rock with mud before painting.

Have a wonderful week and see you on Palm Sunday, if not sooner…Fr. Scott

Monday, March 15, 2010

Announcements: 5th Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Confirmation: Please continue to pray for those being confirmed and baptized around Easter. At present we have four to be baptized at the Easter Vigil and five to be confirmed by the Archbishop in June.

Presentation of the Creed: Those to be confirmed will be presented a certificate at Mass this Sunday. This certificate basically confirms that they have read the Creed and believe all that professed. In order to be Catholic, one has to believe everything stated in our Creed (Profession of Faith).

Thank you: Thank you Rick Tennyson for plowing the Church parking lot while I was in Anchorage and our plow was broke down. Stelling’s in Dillingham replaced a relay switch on our plow, which fixed it. Here is the good part, they did not charge us because they actually used our plow to plow their parking lot! Only in Alaska! Also, thank you to Pat Durbin and Bernie Venua for installing light switches in the church and helping out with the shower installation.

Holy Week: Holy Thursday and Good Friday will be at Holy Rosary Parish. The time will be 5:30 PM. Easter Vigil will Be Saturday, April 3, at 8:00 PM. There will be no Sunday Easter Mass.

Shower: There is a shower being installed by Scott King. Here are two pictures of the bathroom in our church basement. The shower will help to accommodate the twelve teen we will have on retreat July 5 to July 9th. Work in Progress.

Anchorage Youth Visit: The second annual “non-electronic, community service retreat” will take place again this year. We need your help. First, we need a major community project July 6th. Second, a number of other community projects, i.e. things you need done around the house. Third, we need to plan on a potluck Thursday July 8th. All Bristol Bay youth are welcome to participate in the activities. A flight over to Clarks Point and Ekuk are also planned.

Have a wonderful week and see you Sunday! Fr. Scott

Monday, March 8, 2010

Announcements: 4th Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Scrutiny: All those to be confirmed and their sponsors will be called forward after the Homily to receive the second Scrutiny. Those to be confirmed are Golda, Josh, Jim L., Jim I., Kara, and Alaina.

Gospel: The Man Born Blind is a perfect example of how our faith grows over time. The Blind Man, much like those to be confirmed this year, went from darkness into the light. What helped the Man Born Blind to grow in faith was the contact he had with his neighbors, friends, relatives, and Jesus.

Thank you: Pat Durbin and Bernie Venua installed some new electrical outlets in the Church. Thank you very much for sharing your time and talent!

Shower: Please have patience while a shower will be installed in the women’s room downstairs in the church. Scott King should have this completed by Holy Week.

Holy Week Schedule: Holy Week services will be as follows

Holy Thursday: 5:30 PM
Good Friday: 5:30 PM
Easter Vigil: 8:00 PM
No Sunday Mass

Welcome: Please welcome Dennis and Terri Hall to Holy Rosary parish. They moved here a few weeks ago and Terri hopes to get involved with music ministry and sponsoring one of the RCIA candidates.

Have a wonderful week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Announcements: 3rd Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

During my visit to Clarks Point this week I gave communion to Louise Gardiner, the elder of the village.

Scrutinies: After Mass the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent we well call up the people to be confirmed, along with their sponsors, to receive the Scrutinies. A scrutiny is a special prayer that helps prepare a person for confirmation. The people to be confirmed (candidate, confirmandi, and catechumen) will be called up after the Homily for this first Scrutiny.

Confirmation: After Mass this Sunday I would like those to be confirmed to stay after Mass to learn more about the Mass Parts and the Creed. Please plan on staying after with your sponsor. People to be confirmed this year are Golda, Josh, Kara, Jim I., Jim L, and Alaina.

Thank you: Thanx to Pat for tearing down some shelves downstairs in the storage room in the church. I have hired Scott King to install a shower in the women’s bathroom. Pat’s work help to save us some money.

Shower Installation: Scott King will be installing a shower in the basement of our church, in the women’s room. It will hopefully be completed just before Holy Week. Please be patient while this work is being done as the basement of the church may be a bit hard to navigate around in during the next couple of weeks. The shower will help accommodate the 12 youth and three adults who will be on retreat this summer (July 5 through July 9). The shower will be paid for from a couple generous donors. Parts and Labor will be between $2,500 and $3,200.

Thank you: Thank you to Aileen Walsh for offering the Communion Service this last Sunday as I was stuck in a blizzard for two days in King Salmon. I normally call Aileen an hour before Mass begins in Dillingham to inform her I am stuck somewhere. As a result she only has a very short time to prepare. I wait until the last minute because I am hoping and praying that the weather will clear enough for me to make the 64 mile flight back to Dillingham. Thank you very much AILEEN!

Little Black Book: For Sunday, Feb 28 the “Little Black Book” talked about prayer. It said that one of the main reasons for prayer is not necessarily WHAT you pray for, but THAT you are praying. Prayer says, “I am having a relationship with God. I am strengthening my bond with God. I am acknowledging that Jesus is the center of my life.”

Gospel: Year A instead of Year C will be used this Sunday. Year A will be used because it is tailored to confirmation. This Sunday the Woman at the Well tries to choose between the pure clean cold water in Jacob’s well or the living water that Jesus has to offer.

Travel: Next week, Monday through Thursday, I will be in Anchorage for our annual convocation.

Have a great week and remember to abstain from meat on Friday. Fr. Scott