Monday, October 26, 2009

Announcements: All Saints Day

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Clocks Fall Back: Don’t forget to set your clocks back. Actually, it’s OK if you don’t because it would mean that you show up for Mass an hour early and that is not a bad thing!

Rosary: This Sunday we will be praying the Rosary after Mass for our generous benefactors who contribute to our fuel fund. All are welcome.

Confirmation: After Mass November 8, I will meet with those wanting to be confirmed. If you would like to be in this group, please be available for a short meeting after Mass on that day.

Gospel: All Saints Day is a time to remember all those saintly people who have died. Our Catholic religion allows us to relate to an actual human being who struggled just like we do, who has dealt with the same problems we do, and who has prayed, had faith, and believed just like we do. The patron saints intercede for us, i.e. we pray with them, in the spirit, through the son, to God the Father. Because the saints know God a little better than we do, they help us articulate our prayers to God.

All Souls: Holloween is not a recognized feast day in our church. Catholics celebrate All Souls day, which is the day after All Saints day this year and not a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have the Book of the Dead in the back of the church for those of you who would like to enter a recently deceased loved one. We will pray for them during all Saints day during the Prayers of the Faithful.

Have a great week and enjoy this unexpected fall weather…Fr. Scott

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Announcements: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: The blind man in the gospel was in a hopeless situation. That prompted him to call on Jesus. Many times our hopelessness and suffering bring us closer to God. When do you acknowledge God?

TV Show: Wes Woodland will be leaving this Friday. He has been shooting about four hours of film per day for TV programs. Besides making the rounds with me, some of his other adventures include a trip to Twin Hills with Tucker Aviation, a ride to Platinum with Van Air, and a flight to New Stu and Ekwok with Shannon Air. On the way to these remote villages he interviewed army recruiters, teachers, wrestlers, mechanics, FAA Flight Service, and above all the Alaskan Bush Pilot.

Rosary: We pray the rosary after Mass the first Sunday of every month. We pray for the generous people who have contributed to our heating fuel fund. Please join us.

Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Special amended announcement: 29th Sunday Ord

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here is a very special announcement:

56th Wedding Anniversary of Myrtie and Jim Carty: It is very rare these days to see a 56 year wedding anniversary. If you see Myrtie and Jim around town, please congratulate them. There anniversary was October 10. The main purpose of the potluck this week will be to celebrate their marriage...Fr. Scott

Monday, October 12, 2009

Announcements: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Potluck: We will have a celebration potluck after Mass this Sunday, October 18, 2009. The main event will be the celebration of Myrtie and Jim Carty's 56th wedding anniversary, CONGRATS! We will also be celebrating our guest Wes Woodland who will be here filming for the Discover Station. We will be celebrating Dr. Dan O’Connell’s and Spruce’s National Recognitions. We will be celebrating all the birthdays in October and Priest Sunday. Please bring your favorite dish if you want. All are welcome whether you bring something or not. Hope to see you all there!

Rosary: Next rosary will be prayed after Mass Sunday, November 1, 2009. All are welcome to join us to pray for all of our generous benefactors who contribute to our heating fuel fund.

New Saints: Pope Benedict canonized five new saints last Sunday: Among the new saints was Father Damien, who cared for leprosy victims in Hawaii at the end of the 19th century. He himself died of leprosy in 1889 at the age of 49. Others canonized included 19th century Polish archbishop Zygmunt Felinski. He was Archbishop of Warsaw and founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary. He died in 1895. Two Spanish monks, a Dominican, Francisco Coll y Guitart, and a Trappist, Rafael Arnaiz Baron, also reached sainthood. Finally, a woman was elevated to sainthood: Jeanne Jugan of France. She founded the order of the Little Sisters of the Poor in the 18th century. She died in 1879, and by then the institute had 2,500 workers looking after elderly women in 177 homes around the world.

Chancery Staff: There are pictures of chancery workers and their corresponding titles on our website, Holy Rosary pays 15% of our Sunday collection to help run the chancery.

Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Announcements: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Visitor 17-18-19 October (producer): Wes Woodland plans to arrive in Dillingham on the Penair Morning flight, Saturday, October 17, 2009. He currently works with the Dr. Phil show on TV. Wes hopes to do some footage of an actual bush pilot, which he will submit to the Discover Station. He may be filming at Mass Sunday, October 18th, so just thought I would give you a heads up. Here is a recent email he sent to me:

Father Scott: Thank you so much for your advice. After running it through the ranks, I am going to be heading to Dillingham on 10/17. I am excited with much work to be done. I would like to spend the day with you to King Salmon and back. I will send along some basic questions to ask... ie: flying, etc. I would love to pursue other stories as well. Anything with other pilots and spending time with them doing a delivery to remote place. Also, I'd love to shoot the basketball angle. Maybe Sunday late afternoon or Monday. If need be, I am available to stay longer. It is looking like the more remote areas have more yearlong bush pilot activity. So excited to meet you and explore your wonderful world. I am more than happy to make calls to assist in prospects for stories. Just wanted to shoot you an email with the latest. Wes Woodland

Confirmation and RCIA: So far at Holy Rosary we have three people who want to be confirmed around Easter time. At Saint Theresa in King Salmon there are two. We will start meeting after Mass in November. Please keep all of those entering our Catholic Church in your prayers.

Fuel Donations: A parishioner at Saint Michaels in Palmer, Alaska donated $1,000 towards our heating fuel fund. Thank you very much for your generosity and kindness and support of our mission.

Saint Vincent De Paul fund: Fr. Kennedy, who was here a couple of years ago filling in for me while I was in Washington DC going to Canon Law School, started a fund to help people in need. He donated $4,500. We have used half of that to help a lady in South Naknek purchase a new stove and heating fuel. We just used another $500 to help out SAFE in Dillingham to pay for an elderly man who was just released from the Dillingham prison. He needed a room for a few nights while SAFE and the lawyers tried to get him in Gramma’s house. If you would like to donate to this fund, please let me know or go to the Website,, click on donation, and put Saint Vincent fund in the description.

Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott