Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Announcements: 4th Sunday of Easter

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Rosary: After mass this Sunday, May 3. 2009, we will be praying the rosary after mass. We will dedicate the rosary to all who have donated money to heat the church and rectory. All are invited to join us.

Youth Visit: Catholic youth from Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton and Saint Benedict will be arriving in Dillingham July 6th through the 10th. If you know of any community service that they could perform while they are here, i.e. mowing lawns, splitting wood, washing windows, etc, please let me know.

Gospel: This weekend is Good Shepherd Sunday. Since the gospel is about sheep, and since the first farm animal cloned was a sheep, I decided that was a good enough lead in to talk about the convocation we had a couple months ago. We learned about cloning, stem cells, and In Vitro Fertilization. Although I am not an authority on these topics, I hope to present to you some of the ethical questions that arise from this research. I took good notes!

Thank you: Over the Holy Week, Joanne asked her grandson to move some snow on the parking lot at Holy Rosary. He did a fabulous job. I think I was down to about a quarter of the parking lot left. Thank you for your very generous donation and great work.

Marriage: Thomas and Melina Shade became legally married in the Church last Sunday. This is known as “convalidation.” They had been civilly married had not been married in the church. This allows them to partake in communion. Congratulations!

Web Postings: I have two new posts on the web page, www.holyrosaryalaska.org.

Have a great week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Announcements: 3rd Sunday of Easter

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

First, here is a picture of Mount Washington, which I took April 21, 2009, from Sisters, Oregon. Mount Washington is part of the Cascade Mountain Range.

Communion Service: Thank you Aileen for offering the communion service last Sunday as I am in Central Oregon (Bend and Redmond) visiting family and friends.

Thank you: Thanx to Angie V. for picking up my mail while I am away and to Pat D. for checking on Holy Rosary.

Youth to offer community Service: Needed: If you know anyone in the community who need work done at their homes, please let me know. There will be ten youth visiting Dillingham July 5th through July10. I was hoping to keep them busy doing community service work for a day at various people’s homes.

Gospel: Our Catholic Tradition is very rich. We have protected and carried forth this tradition over 2000 years. The phrase in out Creed, “One Holy and Apostolic Church,” is about passing our rich tradition on from generation to generation.

Below are a few more pictures I took today in Central Oregon.

Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott

Dan, my brother-in-law who visited Holy Rosary last year and finished our roof, holds up a Juniper Wood Bird house we got for my mom's birthday.

Trevin, my nephew, stands on a post on our walk to the play ground. We stopped at the store afterward to pick up his favorite candy...Nerds.

Here is a picture of Smith Rock near Redmond, Oregon. This is where the movie the Postman was filmed.

My sister Brenda, who also visited Dillingham, waters some flowers on her two and a half acres near Redmond.

Here is a view from my retirement property in Powell Butte, Oregon. It is a picture of the three sisters, Faith, Hope, and Charity.

The Baker Diocese is moving their chancery to Powell Butte, Oregon, near my property. Here is a picture of the construction site. Views of the Cascade Mountain range are FANTASTIC from the property.

Roman is the newest arrival to our family.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Announcements: 2nd Sunday of Easter

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Holy Week celebrations: Thank you to all who took part in the Holy Week celebrations. Fr. Bill enjoyed, very much, being able to celebrate with you. He returned to Seward Sunday. Thank you very much Fr. Bill for being here so that we could have Holy Week celebrations in both Saint Theresa and Holy Rosary.

Thank you: Thank you to Pat Durbin who fixed the blinkers the truck and who will be watching the church and rectory while I am in Mount Angel this week.

Rosary: The first Sunday of every month, after mass, we pray the rosary. All are invited to join us the first Sunday in May.

Reason for no Sunday Easter Mass: Several people have asked why we did not have Mass on Easter Sunday. Here are a four reasons.

First, we are a small mission parish and do not fill up the church on Easter. If the Church was over flowing we would have both Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Mass. But since the congregation is so small, and since the term Catholic refers to "one body of Christ," the Archbishop feels that it is better not to fragment the community by having two Masses.

Second, Easter Vigil is the largest celebration of the year. Priests have special privileges to confirm RCIA members on the Easter Vigil, but not on Easter Sunday. I was working with an RCIA candidate (unfortunately she got sick and did not show up), so decided to have the Easter Vigil rather than Easter Sunday Mass.

Third, I am open to taking a vote to see how many parishioners would rather have Easter Sunday rather than Easter Vigil. If there are no RCIA candidates next year I may ask for a vote.

Fourth, Holy Rosary is the largest mission in the world. Even though we had two priests for holy week, there are some 20-30 other mission parishes. Having two masses (Eater Vigil and Easter Sunday) in Dillingham would lessen the opportunity for the other villages.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Announcements: Holy Week - Easter

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

April 9, 2009 – Holy Thursday celebration begins at 6:00 PM. The sacred oils will be received, the foot washing ceremony will take place, and the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed. Traditionally this celebration is called the Lord’s Supper.

April 10, 2009 – Good Friday celebration begins at 6:00 PM. The highlight of this celebration is the veneration of the cross. The Blessed Sacrament that was consecrated at the Holy Thursday mass will be distributed for communion.

April 11, 2009 – Easter Vigil will begin at 6:00 PM. Aimee Belleque will be baptized. Judy George from Clarks Point will be conditionally baptized and confirmed into the Catholic Church.

April 12, 2009 – Easter Sunday there will be NO mass.

Reception: Let us have a reception for Aimee and Judy and to thank Father Bill Hanrahan after the Easter Vigil Mass! Please bring something to eat or drink for a potluck style reception.

Oregon: I will be at Mount Angel Seminary April 14, 15, and 16 for training and then I will be visiting my family in Bend, Oregon from the 17 to the 24 of April.

Mission Mass: I was able to celebrate Palm Sunday for the communities of Dillingham, Clarks Point, Levelock, King Salmon, and Naknek.

Happy Easter to all…Fr. Scott

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Announcements: Palm Sunday

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Read-Out Volcano: Here are two pictures taken March 31, 2009, click on all pictures to see them larger.

Holy Week Celebrations: Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday (Mass at 12:30 PM). Palm Sunday will begin outside with the blessing of the Palms. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil will begin at 6:00 PM. There will be no Easter Sunday Mass in Dillingham.

Thank you: Thanx to Aileen for coming to my rescue while I was stuck in King Salmon Sunday. Aileen has to be prepared to give a communion service every Sunday. She never knows when I may call her, but when I do, it is usually an hour before mass is suppose to begin (SHORT NOTICE). Aileen, thank you so much for your dedication and commitment. You do such an excellent job and you have such little time to prepare.

Palm Sunday Readings: We will be reading the Passion according to Saint Mark at Mass this Sunday. On Good Friday will re-visit the passion but read the Passion according to Saint John. I will be asking for volunteers to read one of the parts. If you would like to volunteer, please let me know. We need a narrator and a voice.

Annual Inspection: Tibbetts Airmotive has my airplane torn apart in the hanger at King Salmon. The annual inspection came up faster than I thought. After the engine change I totally forgot about the time of the annual, which was due March 15th. My series III physical is also due and I hope to pass that while I am in Anchorage for the chrism mass.

Have a wonderful week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott