Monday, March 23, 2009

Announcements: 5th Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel Message: Jesus says in the Gospel for this weekend, “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” To be lifted up is a central theme that runs throughout the gospels. Have you ever been so happy to see a friend that you hugged them tightly and actually lifted them off of their feet? Being lifted up is a great sensation of love, comfort, and happiness. What are all of the ways Jesus lifts us up?

Prayers for Pat: Speaking of “lifting up,” please keep Pat Durbin in your prayers. He is currently in Dillingham at his home. The doctors told him that he has had two heart attacks and they believed a shunt was not a good remedy. The doctors decided to put Pat on medication for a couple months to help relieve clogging around his hear and in his legs. He needs to go back to Anchorage in June for possible/probable surgery, depending on well the pills work.

Prayers: Please “lift up” William Tennyson as well in your prayers. William continues to struggle with cancer. Additionally, let’s plan to pray a rosary together one Sunday for all those who are struggling with cancer and for the families and friends who care for them.

Prayers: Please keep Judy George and Aimee Belleque in your prayers. Judy will be confirmed and Aimee baptized during the Easter Vigil.

Rosary: We pray the rosary the first Sunday of the month after mass. The next rosary will be prayed after the Palm Sunday Mass.

Holy Week: Join Fr. Bill Hanrahan for Holy Week. All celebrations will begin at 6:00 PM. Do you remember that Holy Thursday (Lord’s Supper), Good Friday (Veneration of Cross), and Easter vigil are not three separate masses, but meant to be one continuous mass?

Chrism Mass: I will be going to Anchorage March 31 to celebrate the Chrism Mass and renew my priestly vows. If you are in Anchorage on that Tuesday and would like to receive the oils for Holy Rosary, please let me know! The Sacred Oils will presented during our Holy Thursday celebration.

Below are two pictures. One is of, well, it could be the Easter Bunny taken out the window of the rectory, and the second is of a Silver Chalice that was donated to the Holy Rosary Mission by Abbot Justin, OSB when I became a paster. I just had it re-finished.

Have a fantastic week and God bless you…Fr. Scott

Monday, March 16, 2009

Announcements: 4th Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Prayers: Please keep William Tennyson and Pat Durbin in your prayers. William is struggling with cancer and Pat with a heart condition.

Gospel: In the Gospel, John talks about coming into the light. All of us, at one time or another, have experienced coming from darkness into the light. “Whoever lives the truth comes to the light.” Saint John of the Cross, in his writings about the Long Dark Night of the Soul, says that we find light in darkness.

Holy Week: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil will begin at 6:00 PM. There will not be an Easter Sunday Mass in Dillingham.

Rosary: Please join us in praying the rosary after Mass the first Sunday of every month.

Uncovered Gem: Abbot Justin, OSB, whom I met at Saint Andrew when I was training to be a pastor, gave me a silver colored chalice for my first assignment here in Dillingham. Come to find out it is solid sterling silver and appraised at nearly $7,000. I hope to be using the newly refinished Chalice next week.

Convocation: I will be in Talkeetna this week, until Thursday afternoon, attending a priest seminar about stem cell research and cloning. I hope to share some of the information I receive with all of you in the near future.

Mass of Oils: Please let me know if you will be in Anchorage Tuesday, March 31. If possible, I would like you to attend the Mass at the Cathedral to receive the oils for Holy Rosary. I will be there as well to renew my priestly vows.

Have a fantastic week and enjoy the sunshine…Fr. Scott

Monday, March 9, 2009

Announcements: 3rd Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: Jesus gets angry and turns over the money changer’s table, which is located outside the temple. Jesus got angry three times in the bible. When is it appropriate to be angry? When does anger become a sin?

Prayers: Please keep William Tennyson in your prayers. William continues to struggle with cancer.

Prayers: Please keep Pat Durbin in your prayers. Pat had some trouble with his heart Saturday.

Thank you: Thank you Rick for bleeding the air out of the heating system in the church! Your time and talent is greatly appreciated.

Thank you: Thank you Pat D. for fixing the snow plow on Friday. Once again you bailed me out!

Rosary: Holy Rosary prays the rosary the first Sunday of every month after mass. Please join us April 5 as we pray for those generous Archdioceses of Anchorage parishes who have donated money for our heating fuel.

Talkeetna Convocation: I will be in Talkeetna from the 16th of March through the 20th. Every year the priests of our Archdiocese meet in Talkeetna for some continued education and fellowship.

Slow week for flying: The icy conditions and wind kept me grounded all week. I tried to make it to King Salmon Saturday, but the weather moved in unexpectedly, so I hopped on Penair. Robert, the Penair pilot had to turn around about five miles out of Dillingham because of icing. poor visibility, and low ceiling.

Little Black Book: The Lent “Little Black Book” is an excellent way to refresh our knowledge about Lent. I really look forward to reading the two pages every morning. If you have not received a book, please let me know. Mary at Penair in King Salmon thought the Little Black Book I was handing out had all the names of my girlfriends in all of the villages. Not quite Mary! The “Little Black Book” has six-minute daily reflections about Lent. The Catholic Anchor has an article about us and the "Little Black Book" in the March 6th Edition.

Holy Week: Masses for Holy Week will begin at 6:00 PM, i.e. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil (April 9-11). There will be no Mass on Easter Sunday at Holy Rosary. Fr. Bill Hanrahan will by your celebrant.

Take care and have a wonderful week…Fr. Scott

Monday, March 2, 2009

Announcements: 2nd Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few important announcements:

Holy Week Masses: Holy Thursday (foot washing), Good Friday (veneration of the cross), and Easter Vigil will all be celebrated by Fr. Bill Hanrahan at 6:00 P.M. During the Easter Vigil Aimee Belleque will be baptized and Judy George, from Clarks Point, will be confirmed. Please remember them in your prayers!

Blessing of the Fleet: Angela Clark has graciously accepted to head up the organization of the Blessing of the Fleet again this year. It will be after Sunday Mass May 31, 2009. Thank you Angela!

Youth Visitation: Eight to Ten high school youth accompanied by two adults plan to come to Dillingham July 2 through July 10. They are from Saint Benedict Parish in Anchorage. If anyone would be willing to house these youth, please let me know. Also, please let me know of any community service that they could perform.

Gospel and Readings: Abraham raises his knife to kill his son Isaac on the altar. He freezes. He realizes that God does not want him to sacrifice his only son. This is a great moment in world religion. Abraham experienced a transfiguration. Have you ever experienced a transfiguration in your life?

Catechism: Next week after Mass we will be talking about sin. All children are encouraged to attend. Parents are also welcome.

Thank you: Thank you to all who stayed after mass to pray the rosary for those generous Archdiocese of Anchorage parishes who have donated money for heating fuel. The next time we pray the rosary together will be April 5th after Mass. Praying the rosary together helps to strengthen our church and helps it to flourish…thrive…grow.

Good Judgment: Not one person showed up for Ash Wednesday. Believe it or not, I am not angry, but actually happy. The 50 knot winds and heavy snow made for a white out. It was dangerous to drive. Holy Rosary parishioners have great judgment and use common sense! Canon law says that for a grave reason we can miss mass…this was one of those grave reasons.

Women’s Group: If you would like to be part of the Holy Rosary Women’s Group, please contact Joan Reynolds, 842-2257.

My Schedule away from Bistol Bay:

March 16-20 – Talkeetna for a priest convocation
March 31 – Anchorage for Pastoral day and Mass of the Oils
April 13-24 – Mount Angel Seminary for continued education and Bend, Oregon
August 3 – 14 – Wilmington, NC, to visit friends/vacation

Take care, God bless, and have a wonderful week…Fr. Scott