Monday, February 23, 2009

Announcements: First Sunday of Lent

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Ash Wednesday, 25 Feb: Mass will be at 5:30, bring your friends!

Catechism: Plan to stay after mass to learn more about posture at mass, i.e. bowing, genuflecting, etc.

Rosary: After mass this week we will pray the rosary together before starting the catechism.

Women’s Group: If you are interested in being part of the Holy Rosary women’s group, please contact Joan Reynolds, 842-2257.

Gospel: Jesus is out in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. It is through grace that he is able to resist the temptations of the devil. Many of us need to hit a brick wall before we see the grace that God makes available to us. Grace is available to all people. We just have to know that it is there and be open to it.

Week Masses: I plan to have five masses this week in different areas.

First is the Ash Wednesday Mass at Holy Rosary at 5:30 PM.

Second, weather permitting; I plan to fly to Clarks Point for Mass at 11:30 AM on Friday.

Third, I have arranged to fly to Levelock on Saturday for Mass at 11:30 AM.

Fourth is Mass at 9:00 AM Sunday morning at Saint Theresa in King Salmon/Naknek.

Fifth, I will then fly back from King Salmon for Mass at Holy Rosary, 12:30 PM Sunday afternoon (First Sunday of Lent).

I hope all of you have a blessed and grace-filled week…Fr. Scott

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Ash Wednesday: The 25th of February we will have mass at 5:30 PM. It is a day of fasting and abstinence. Please invite your friends. One does not have to be Catholic to receive ashes.

Thank you: Thank you Aileen for celebrating a communion service last Sunday. The Dillingham airport was closed when I wanted to fly in, i.e. runway iced over and 35 knot cross wind. Penair cancelled their flight.

Thank you: Thank you Pat D for thawing out the lock to the church door. Also, for bringing me oranges while I was sick in bed on Monday.

Gospel: The paralytic is lowered through the roof so Jesus could heal him. What would you do for your friends? What are you willing to do for your friends to meet Jesus?

Holy Week Services: Holy Thursday and Good Friday will be held at 5:30 PM. Easter Vigil will be at 8:00 PM. The celebrant will be Fr. Bill Hanrahan (see picture on We are planning so far on one confirmation (Judy from Clarks Point and here sponsor from Levelock George Bowden) and one baptism (Aimee, Kyle and Johanna’s baby).

Catechism: After mass, starting the first Sunday of Lent, there will be an opportunity for all to learn more about our rich Catholic faith. Please consider staying after mass for about 30 to 40 minutes. The instruction will be targeted toward children, i.e. reconciliation, altar serving, first communion, confirmation, and church posture.

Catholic Social Services (CSS): While in Anchorage last week, I was at a presentation by Catholic Social Services. What a fantastic organization, helping in the areas of the homeless, adoption, abortion, refugees, pregnancy, jobs, child care programs, and much more. I had the opportunity to listen to the program director in charge of each of these areas. If you think you need the assistance of CSS, look on the archdiocesan website (there is a link to it on, or call CSS directly at 907-276-5590. You will not be disappointed.

Take care, God bless, and have a fantastic week…Fr. Scott

Monday, February 9, 2009

Announcements: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Rosary: The first Sunday of every month we pray the Rosary after mass. We dedicate the rosary to all of our generous benefactors, especially those Archdiocese of Anchorage parishes who donate money for heating our church and rectory. All are welcome to pray with us. The next rosary will be March 1st and will be led by Sean White.

Ash Wednesday: February 25 is Ash Wednesday. I have not decided what time to have the mass. Are there any suggestions? I am open for 7:30 AM before work, 12:30 on lunch break, or 5:30 after work. The mass will be about 30-40 minutes. Let me know if you have a preference.

Gospel: Jesus breaks tradition and a rule in the gospel and touches and heals a leper. Jesus was known for breaking some of the rules, for example he healed the sick on the Sabbath, which was considered work, and work was forbidden on the Sabbath. In the Old Testament lepers had to cry out when nearing people, Unclean, Unclean!” It was forbidden for an unclean person to touch a clean person.

Thank you: Thanx to Brian and Walter for helping me shovel out my airplane!

Thank you: Thanx to Pat Durbin and Bernie for fixing the water. A valve wore out and they replaced it.

My Schedule:

Last week: I held mass at Clarks Point, King Salmon/Naknek, and Dillingham.

Feb 10-12: I plan to be in Anchorage for a Priest Pension Plan meeting (Feb 11) and a Pastoral day gathering (Feb 12) at the Saint Francis shelter.

Feb 13-14-15: Plan to have mass at Clarks Point, King Salmon/Naknek, and Dillingham.

Have a very peaceful and pleasant week…Fr. Scott

Monday, February 2, 2009

Announcements: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Rosary: Thank you to all who participated in the Rosary after Mass Sunday. Kristen did a nice job leading it. Sunday March 1, the rosary will be led by Sean White. Please join us.

Women’s Group: The women’s group will be continuing there bible study after mass this Sunday. They will be meeting in the rectory office.

Catechism: Starting the first Sunday of Lent, Catechism will be offered to all who would like to learn more about the Catholic Church. The instruction will last about 35 minutes and be tailored for children.

Thank you: Thank you to all who donate so generously to the Sunday collection. Your donations enable a priest to be living out here full time.

Easter: I will be talking to Fr. Bill Hanrahan while in Anchorage next week. Fr. Bill is planning to be in Dillingham for Holy Week. More to come after next week.

Out of Town:
February 10, 11, 12, Anchorage, Priest Pension Plan Meeting and Pastoral Day
March 16-19, Talkeetna, Priest Convocation
April 20-30, Boise, Idaho, Canon Law convention, also Bend, Oregon for vacation

Gospel: Jesus performs a miracle inside Peter’s house. He heals Peter’s Mother-in-law. There is a difference when Jesus performs miracles in public and when he performs miracles in the privacy of someone’s home. Miracles are deep personal encounters of faith.

Have a fantastic week and see you Sunday…Fr. Scott