Dec 7 Celebration: Josh and Kara will be baptized and will receive their first communion and reconciliation. There will be a potluck to follow the Sunday celebration. Please bring your favorite dish. All are welcome whether you bring a dish or not.
All Souls Day: As you come to Mass this week, there will be a “Book of the Dead” in the back. If you know of anyone who has died this year please but their names in the book and we will pray for them during the intercessions.
Halloween: The Catholic Church does not recognize Halloween as a feast day because it is a secular holiday. We celebrate All Souls day instead. If you go out “trick or treating,” please by careful and safe.
Advent: The first Sunday of Advent will be Sunday, November 30th. I plan to have “The Little Blue Book” to hand out to everyone at Mass. It is published by the Diocese of Saginaw and is a great prayer aid for the Advent Season.
Below are a few pictures from the Homily about the Letter of the Law (zoomed in) and the Spirit of the Law (zoomed out).
Have a wonderful week and God bless you…Fr. Scott
Katelynn Zoomed In
Kara Zommed In