Monday, December 29, 2008

Announcements: Epiphany 2009

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Holy Day of Obligation: Mary Mother of God, January 1, 2009 at Noon, Holy Rosary.

Catechism for children and adults: After Mass starting the first Sunday of Lent

Women’s group: First Meeting, January 5, 2009, Monday, 5:15 P.M., Holy Rosary.

Gospel: Jesus is our star and he changes lives and changes hearts.

Airplane: My plane had a faulty magneto lead (from the factory). It is now fixed.

Rosary: Stay after church this Sunday and pray the rosary with us! All are invited.

Thank you: Thanx to Bernie for helping to trim the rectory windows this week.

Thank you: Thanx Joan for organizing the women’s group and prayer cards.

Have a very Happy New year and hope to see you all at mass New Years day at noon…Fr. Scott

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Announcements: Holy Family: Mary,Jesus,Joseph

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are the announcements for Sunday, December 28th.

Woman’s Group: The Holy Rosary women’s group plans to have there first meeting very soon. Please contact Joan Reynolds for more information, 842-2257.

Gospel: The gospel is about the presentation of the Lord in the temple. The family unit is important to God and the Holy Family gives us a great example of what we can do in our families to make them stronger and healthier.

Prayer Card: Most people were given a prayer card at mass. Each card has two things to pray for and a saint to look up. Let that saint be your intercessor this year as you pray!

Catechism: Starting the first Sunday of Lent, there will be catechism for children after Mass for about one-half hour. All are invited to listen in.

Rosary: The next rosary will be prayed after Mass January 4th. If you would like to lead one of these monthly rosaries, please sign up in the back of the church.

Thank you: Thank you Joan Reynolds for organizing the pray cards, Christmas bags for the children during the Christmas eve mass, and for getting the woman’s group started. You hard work is greatly appreciated and bearing good fruit!

See you Sunday at 12:30.

Safe travels, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays…Fr. Scott

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Announcements: Christmas

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Christmas Eve Candlelight Mass: Mass will be at 8:00 P.M. (weather permitting). There will be a communion service if I get stuck in King Salmon. A special treat will be handed out to children during the announcements.

Religious Education: Starting the first Sunday of Lent (Sunday, March 1st, 2009) and ending at Easter, there will be religious education (for one-half hour) for children after Mass downstairs. All are welcome to attend. If you are interested in helping with the lesson plan, please let me know.

Woman’s Group: There has been a suggestion about getting together a Holy Rosary Woman’s group to meet on Monday’s at 5:15 PM. If you are interested let me know or contact Joan Reynolds at 2257.

Saint Prayer Cards: At the Christmas Eve Mass all will receive a credit card with a name of a saint, a prayer for others, and a prayer for you, i.e. Saint Benedict, say three hail Mary’s for Vocations, say the “glory be” three times for patience. The prayer “credit card” can be kept in your wallet or purse. The idea is to pray daily these prayers and look up the saint on your card and use that saint to intercede for you throughout Lent…the year!

Rosary: There have been leaders chosen to lead the rosary after Mass the first Sunday of every week. If you would like to be on the list of leaders, please sign up in the back of the church.

Gospel: The gospel is about the Nativity. We will be using the readings for Midnight Mass. Quiz your children on the Nativity because there will be questions asked about it during the homily.

Thank you: Thanx to all that helped to set up the Christmas tree, decorations, brought food, and cleaned up! It looks great and smells like Christmas.

Have a Merry Christmas and see you Wednesday, 24 December, at 8:00 P.M. Fr. Scott

Monday, December 15, 2008

Announcements: 4th Sunday of Advent

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: The story of the annunciation is highlighted in the gospel this Sunday. Annunciation is a word we do not use often. The word pronunciation is more commonly used…pronounce and pronunciation. Announce and annunciation is the way the bible reveals that the Blessed Virgin Mary will bear the Christ Child.

Christmas Decorating: This Sunday please consider staying an hour or so after Mass to set up the Christmas tree (it is ALIVE); new nativity set that our parishioners donated; candles for the candle light mass Christmas eve; white linen, which will replace the purple linen; poinsettias need to be placed around the altar; and Christmas lights, which need to be strung up around the doors. I will bring some snacks!

Christmas Eve Mass: There will be only one Mass during Christmas. It will be Christmas Eve, December 24th, at 8:00 PM. No Mass on Christmas day.

Reconciliation: Please contact me if you would like to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I will also be available before and after Mass this Sunday. I have canceled King Salmon Sunday Mass so I should be available by 11:30 AM this Sunday for reconciliation. Please come early and call me if you are interested. Thank you.

Have a great Advent week and see you Sunday, Fr. Scott

Monday, December 8, 2008

Announcements: 3rd Sunday of Advent

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

For pictures of the baptism of Josh and Kara, December 7, CLICK HERE.

Christmas Mass: Christmas Mass will be at 8:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 24th. I will be traveling from King Salmon that evening as well. I have asked Van Air to pick me up at 6:00 P.M. in King Salmon the 24th of December. Please pray for good weather! NOTE: There will be NO mass on Christmas day, December 25th.

Christmas Homily: I will be asking the children to come forward during the homily. I have a magic trick card game that I will use to ask questions about Christmas, i.e. questions about the nativity, Jesus, shepherds, angels, manger, etc.

Gospel: The third week of advent is rose color. It means rejoice. As we shall soon be celebrating the birth of Christ, the coming of the light, let us, like John the Baptist, be witnesses to speak for the light. Let our witness be our joyfulness, our thankful attitude, our love of liberty, and of life lived with integrity and filled with praise!

Confirmation: I have two people I am preparing to be confirmed at Easter, Chris Floresta and Judy (from Clarks Point). Judy wants to convert to Catholicism.

Marriage Preparation: I am also preparing Thomas and Melina for marriage in the Catholic Church. Since they are both married civilly, getting married in the church is called, “convalidation (NOT the renewal of vows, but of consent).” Convalidation is a bit complicated. Here is what Canon 1157 says, “This renewal of consent must be a new act of the will concerning a marriage which the person who is renewing knows or thinks was null from the beginning (this relates to the marriage here and now.” The Catholic Church believes that a marriage is not truly a marriage until it is performed in the church. So if you have not been married in the church, please let me know and we can talk about it.

Christmas Decorating: After Mass the 4th Sunday of Advent, December 21st we will be decorating for the Christmas Eve Mass. I ordered a Christmas tree from Alaska Mill and Feed this year. So, please consider staying after mass and helping to decorate!

Take care and have a wonderful Advent week…Fr. Scott

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Announcements: 2nd Sunday of Advent

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Holy Day, Monday, December 8th: This coming Monday is a Holy Day of obligation, the Immaculate Conception. Mass will be at 5:30 Monday evening. Hope to see all of you there!

Baptism and Potluck: This Sunday, December 7th, Josh and Kara will be baptized and celebrate first communion and reconciliation. There will be a potluck afterward. All are invited.

Advent Little Blue Book: There are a few Little Blue Books left in the back of the church. The book consists of a page of prayer for each day during Advent. Please take one home with you.

Christmas Mass Time: The Mass for Christmas will be the same (or similar) to last year. We will celebrate the Christmas Vigil at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, 24 December.

Rosary: After the first Sunday of every month we pray a Rosary (with the exception of this Sunday because of the baptism and the fact that we prayed the rosary last Sunday). I will put a sign up sheet in the back for those who would like to lead the rosary.

Thank You: Thanx to Kristen Clark for leading the rosary last week. It was her first time and she did a great job! Also, thank you Matteo for the beautiful stained glass picture of the Annunciation. Check out the stained glass on the home page by CLICKING HERE!

Heating Fuel Fund: Praying our Rosary the first Sunday of every month for those Archdiocesan parishes who donate money to help pay our fuel bill has really paid off. Last year we collected eleven thousand dollars. This year has been even better. For example Saint Andrews alone contributed eight thousand.

Gospel: Saint John the Baptist is preparing the way for the lord. Angels help to prepare the way as well. The homily this week will give an in depth look at angels in the Catholic Church.

Hospital Visit: I visited Chris Floresta in the Native Hospital this week. He is recovering nicely from the 30 percent burns on his body. Please keep him, his friend Dillon, and their families in your prayers. They still have quite a lot of time left before they will be released from the hospital.

Have a fantastic advent, Fr. Scott

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Announcements: 1st Sunday of Advent

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Prayers for Christopher Floresta: Christopher Floresta, who has attends Mass with his dad Mariano (dado) Floresta, was flown to Anchorage to be treated for burns. Chris and a friend were lighting the fire to their sauna and there was an explosion. Chris has 30 to 40 percent burns on his body, while his friend has 60 percent. Please keep them in your prayers.

Baptism and Potluck: Josh and Kara are slated to be baptized and to receive first communion and reconciliation December 7th, during mass. There will be a potluck to follow. Please bring a favorite dish if you can, but not required to stay and eat at the celebration.

Gospel: Advent is like a vigil where we wait in line for tickets to the greatest event in the history of the world. Get in line this Sunday for your front row seats to the greatest show on earth. A special Advent “Little Blue Book” well be given to all who attend Mass.

There are a couple pictures below. While flying back from King Salmon this week I snapped shots of the Caribou herd. Click on the pictures to enlarge them. Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. God bless you all…Fr. Scott

Caribou herd between King Salmon and Dillingham heading toward Levelock

Full Moon outside my window in the rectory, Upper Room

Monday, November 17, 2008

Announcements: Christ the King

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: The gospel tells us what we have to do to be admitted into the Kingdom of God. Christ the King is the key. Being admitted to God’s Kingdom requires a stamped passport, not unlike the one we have to enter and leave a foreign country.

Airplane: The mechanic working on my airplane had to go to the lower 48 to be with his Father-in-Law who is dieing. Please keep Larry and Debbie Tibbits in your prayers.

December 7th celebration: Josh and Kara will be baptized and celebrate first communion and reconciliation the second week of Advent during Mass. Afterward we will have a potluck. All are welcome. If you can, please bring your favorite dish (but not a requirement to attend).

Manger: I am still looking for someone who can build a manger for the new nativity pieces. If you would like to donate your time and talent to do this, please contact me.

Thank you: I was stranded again in King Salmon this Sunday. Thank you Aileen for another wonderful communion service. Very few planes have been able to fly in and out of Dillingham for the past six days due to low ceilings, fog, and snow. I just happened to be caught right in the middle of it.

Fuel donations and Rosary: After sending out letters to Archdiocesan parishes, I have received a great response. Our Lady of Guadeloupe put us in their announcements and I have thus far received around $2,000 from their parishioners. We will be praying for all of those who have contributed to our heating fuel after Mass on November 30th. Children will be encouraged to attend and learn to lead the prayer.

Have a wonderful and blessed week…Fr. Scott

Monday, November 10, 2008

Announcements: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel: The theme of the readings is about good stewardship. What does it mean to be a good steward? What is your Christian responsibility with regard to stewardship?

Baptism-First Reconciliation-First Communion: December 7th will be the baptism of Josh and Kara Ingram. They will also receive first communion and first reconciliation. All are invited to the potluck afterward.

Rosary: We will be praying the rosary after Mass on the 30th of November instead of the first Sunday of December (Dec 7). The change is made due to the baptism and Potluck on December 7th. I hope to teach the rosary as we go along and let the children ages seven and older lead the mysteries. We will be praying the Joyful mysteries. The rosary will be dedicated to all those generous people who have contributed money for heating fuel.

Sign up: Please consider signing up to clean the church. Usually a person or family signs up for a month at a time. The church needs to be cleaned once a week. The same person would host refreshments after Mass. The is an important ministry and we have several months still open. Please pray about this ministry. There is a sign up sheet in the back of the church.

Thank You Good Stewards: Thank you to all of the following good stewards who have been sharing there time and talent with Holy Rosary:

Accounting: Angie V.
Communion Service: Aileen
Sunday Collection: Dianna
Archdiocesan Representative: Angela C.
Linen: Dee
Music: Kris S., Becky C.
Rosary: Sean W.
Eucharistic Ministers: Dan, Dee, Yolanda, Karen
Lectors: Michael, Pat M., Aileen, Pearl
Maintenance: Pat D., Pat W., Bernie
Plants Jane, Nora J., Nora H., Angela C.

Church Cleaning: All those who have signed up to keep our church clean and have sponsored the refreshments after mass!!!!

Below are a couple pictures of the airplane engine and a picture of a Red Fox cutting across Holy Rosary parking lot.

God bless you all and have a great week…Fr. Scott

Old Engine ready to be removed from Cherokee Warrior II.

New engine in box, 160 HP, Lycoming engine.

Red Fox as it takes cover behind the Old Church.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Announcements: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Gospel Message: When is it appropriate to use anger? How many times did Jesus get angry in the bible? The Lateran Basilica is the cathedral of the Pope as Bishop of Rome. The readings point to the Church as the living people of God.

December 7, 2008 Baptism and Potluck: There will be a celebration after Mass for Josh and Kara. Please bring your favorite dish!

Advent Little Books: Everyone who attends mass the first Sunday of Advent will receive an advent guide. For every day of Advent there is one page to read with a prayer and message. The first Sunday of Advent is November 30th, 2008.

Thank you: Thanx to Aileen for the communion service while I was at my nieces wedding in Bend Oregon. Thanx to Pat Durbin for keeping an eye on Holy Rosary and fixing the frozen water.

God bless you all and have a fantastic week…Fr. Scott

Here are some pictures I took of my family and my nieces" wedding (Lutheran) while I was in Bend, Oregon last week.

My niece Kate's friends, with niece Angela (fourth from left next to the bride Kate) and niece Jennifer (far right), all who I teased while they were growing up.

My mom before the wedding sitting at home in here favorite chair.

My Dad's Marine photo: I took it with a digitalized camera and then uploaded it.

From left to right: Me, Josh the groom, Kate my niece, Mom, my sister Brenda, and my brother Skip. I was a bit under dressed as you can see.

My niece Kate is one happy gal!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Announcements: All Souls Day

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Dec 7 Celebration: Josh and Kara will be baptized and will receive their first communion and reconciliation. There will be a potluck to follow the Sunday celebration. Please bring your favorite dish. All are welcome whether you bring a dish or not.

All Souls Day: As you come to Mass this week, there will be a “Book of the Dead” in the back. If you know of anyone who has died this year please but their names in the book and we will pray for them during the intercessions.

Halloween: The Catholic Church does not recognize Halloween as a feast day because it is a secular holiday. We celebrate All Souls day instead. If you go out “trick or treating,” please by careful and safe.

Advent: The first Sunday of Advent will be Sunday, November 30th. I plan to have “The Little Blue Book” to hand out to everyone at Mass. It is published by the Diocese of Saginaw and is a great prayer aid for the Advent Season.

Below are a few pictures from the Homily about the Letter of the Law (zoomed in) and the Spirit of the Law (zoomed out).

Have a wonderful week and God bless you…Fr. Scott

Katelynn Zoomed In

Kara Zommed In

Saint Theresa Zoomed Out

Holy Rosary Zoomed Out

Monday, October 20, 2008

Announcements: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Cemetery Donation: John and Ina Bouker had an auction last weekend and donated the money to Holy Rosary for Cemetery Maintenance. Thank you very much for your $1,200 donation! Next Memorial day we plan to have an outdoor mass at the grave site.

Potluck and Sacraments December 7th: There will be a potluck following Mass on December 7th. It is an exciting time for Holy Rosary because June has asked to have Kara and Josh baptized. Additionally, the newly baptized members will be receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion. Please bring your favorite dish and celebrate with our new members after Mass. All are welcome and you do not have to bring food to eat…there is always plenty to go around. This will be the Second Sunday of Advent.

Rosary: A rosary will be prayed after mass November 2nd for all those Archdiocese of Anchorage parishes who donate money to help pay our heating fuel bill. We need a volunteer to lead the rosary. Let me know if your are interested.

Gospel: The two greatest commandments headline the gospel this week. Although to love others seems like a simple enough concept, it can be tough to put into practice. In fact, love is the spirit of the law, the big picture, that in which all Christians strive for.

Storm Windows: Nine of the ten windows have been installed in the rectory. Thanks to Bernie, who actually took a day off work to help out, and to Pat D., who has been donating time and talent since the project has started. We still have to trim them inside and out. If you know any people who do trim work, please let me know. For pictures click HERE.

All Saints and All Souls: All Saints day, Saturday, November 1st, is not a Holy Day of obligation because it falls on a Saturday. All Souls day will be celebrated Sunday November 2nd at the regular time, 12:30 P.M.

Take care, God bless, and have a fantastic week…Fr. Scott

Monday, October 13, 2008

Announcements: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements:

First Communion: June Ingram is going to have Kara and Josh baptized. Additionally, on the same Sunday, they will be receiving First Communion and First Reconciliation. There will be a potluck to follow. We are still trying to pin down the date but it will probably be the first or second Sunday in December.

Storm Windows: We are currently replacing the windows in the rectory with the new improved version…actual storm windows. After receiving a donation from Catholic Extension and special ordering the windows (twice) the first window has been installed last week. A contractor, Scott King, will be helping me on Monday, October 13, 2008, to install the huge windows about the garage. If you would like to donate some time trimming out the windows or helping in any way, please let me know.

Rosary: A set of letters have gone out to the Anchorage parishes requesting donations for heating fuel. It worked out well last year. We raised about 11 thousand dollars for fuel. The rosary we have been praying the first Sunday of every month will continue this year. The next rosary will be November 2nd after mass. Thank you for all of the prayers.

Card and prayers: I have received many cards and prayers from all of you about my Dad’s death. Thank you very much…it really means a lot to me.

Gospel: We are asked to pay Cesar what is due Cesar and God what is due God. How does this play out in our daily lives in 2008?

Statue Blessing: I used incense to bless the statue. An explanation of what incense is used for in the church is below with a couple of pictures.

The use of Incense
Incensation is an expression of reverence and prayer as signified in the sacred scripture. “Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a gold censer. He was given a great quantity of incense to offer, along with the prayers of all the holy ones, on the gold altar that was before the throne” (Revelation 8: 3). The use of incense is optional in any form of Mass (GIRM 276). The person who performs the incensing is called the Thurifer. The object which harbors the incense is called the Thurible or Censer. Incensing marks where God is, or will be, during the liturgy.

At the beginning of the mass, the cross and altar are incensed. The gospel is incensed because God actually speaks to us during the Liturgy of the Word. The gifts are incensed as an indication that the bread and wine will be changed into the actual body and blood of Christ. The congregation is incensed because we are all made in the image and likeness of God and the Holy Spirit is in all of us. There are several guidelines that should be followed when incensing.

First, there should be a profound bow before and after the incensing.

Second, the Most Blessed Sacrament, relics of the holy ‘Cross, images of the Lord exposed for public veneration, gifts for the sacrifice of the Mass, the altar cross, the book of the Gospels, the paschal candle, the priest, and the people should be incensed with three swings of the censer.

Third, relics and images of the saints exposed for public veneration, only at the beginning of the celebration when the altar is being incensed, should be incensed with two swings of the censor (GIRM 277).

Monday, October 6, 2008

Announcements: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Blessing of the Statue: Since I was stranded in King Salmon Sunday due to ice fog, I am going to try a third time (third time is a charm) to bless the statue. Hopefully, weather permitting, I will bless the statue of Our Lady of Fatima this Sunday during Mass. The write up should be in this issue of Catholic Anchor.

Blessing of Animals: Find below a few pictures of the animal blessing. We plan to have the Saint Francis animal blessing every year around the first week in October. I will advertise it more next year, as I did not get a chance to advertise this year due to family emergency. The blessing of animals is a way to pay tribute to Saint Francis who was an advocate of simplicity of life and loved animals. It is a great time for children as well as adult. Hope to see you there next year around the first week in October.

Marriage Preparation: Those couple preparing to marry in the church, please contact me soon so we can set up marriage counseling. Sorry about having to cancel your appointments last week.

Nativity Manger: The nativity pieces are down stairs in the church (see picture below). If you have some building skill and would like to donate your time and talent to building a manger, please let me know. Thank you.

Accounting: Angie Venua has been working to understand and catch up the Logos accounting for Holy Rosary. I am happy to say that she has everything under control and is caught up. I just filed the year-end Financials with Sr. Charlotte today. Thanx a million Angie for your hard work and dedication.

Church Cleaning Ministry: Please consider cleaning the church once a week for a month. This is a needed ministry and greatly appreciated by all. Please pray about this ministry. If you think you could donate your time and talent to this very important ministry, please sign-up in the back of the church.

Gospel: Why was the invited guest kicked out of the wedding banquet for not wearing a wedding garment? Why was he silent when asked why he was not wearing it? There is hidden meaning in this Gospel. It has to do with being passive and active; silence and participating. If God should ask you today why you should go to heaven, what would you say? Would you be silent like the guest invited to the wedding banquet? Would you be properly clothed?

Take care, God bless, and have a fantastic week…Fr. Scott

Click on Pictures to make them larger.

Saint Francis Blessing of Animals: October 4th, 2008

Nativity Scene Pieces donated by Holy Rosary Parishioners:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Announcements: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

Blessing of Animals: The Saint Francis Blessing of Animals will be this Saturday, October 4th, noon, at the Lutheran Church. Please bring your pets, i.e. fish, dog, cat, etc.

Prayers: Thank you for the prayers. My dad, John W. Garrett, died about ten minutes before I arrived. There was a harp player and chaplain present. It was a peaceful transition from life to death to life. My mother took my sister and I from Puerto Rico in the late 50’s back to Bend, Oregon. I was one-year-old when the three of us arrived in Bend. She married my dad shortly after, who adopted me and my name changed from Rose to Garrett. Johnny was the only dad I really knew. The way I could tell God was present with us after I arrived at the Hospital last week, is that my mom, sister, and I, the three of us, were the last ones to leave the hospital room, the same three that were there from the beginning. My dad choked on a piece of meat and was revived too late. There was already too much damage to his brain due to lack of oxygen.

Blessing of Statue: Since I was gone last weekend due to my dad’s death, I plan to bless the statue of Our Lady of Fatima this weekend after mass. Thanx to Aileen for providing the communion service in my absence.

Nativity Pieces: The nativity scene pieces are here. I hope to have then downstairs after mass this Sunday.

Fall Back: I think we set our clocks back November 2nd, but I have also heard October 25th. If you know for sure, let me know!

Gospel: In order to bear good fruit one has to be honest, noble, charitable, and put God before all else. Bearing good fruit comes after the Mass, when we go out into the community to minister to others.

If you do not go to the animal blessing on Saturday, I hope to see you all this Sunday, have a great day…Fr. Scott

Monday, September 22, 2008

Announcements: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements:

September 22 Statue Blessing: This Sunday, before the final blessing, we will process out to the Our Lady of Fatima statue to bless it with holy water. The Mass will end outside with the final prayer and blessing. Let’s have a reception afterward with food!

October 4 Animal Blessing: The Saint Francis blessing of animals will be at noon on Saturday, October 4, at the Lutheran Church. Bring your pets for a blessing. Any pets, i.e. reptile, mammal, fish…anything you consider a pet.

Gospel: What is the biblical meaning of obedience? What does it mean for Catholics to be a leaven in society. What is the most important part of the Mass? These questions will be answered during the homily at Mass this Sunday.

Rosary: A rosary will be prayed after the October 5th Mass. All are welcome to join us. Will dedicate this rosary to all who have donated to our fuel fund.

First Communion and Reconciliation: I have began working with a few children to prepare them for these two sacraments. If you know of any children who are seven years of age or older, and have not received First Communion, please let me know.

Airplane update: The new engine for my Warrior II should be in Anchorage by now and will be shipped to King Salmon this week where Larry Tibbetts, of Tibbetts Airmotive, will install it. The Archdiocese is still trying to raise money for the airplane. The first request fell through, which motivated them to contact Catholic Extension. So far, only Saint Theresa in Naknek has donated money.

Winterization: I am currently waiting for more windows so I can replace all ten windows in the Rectory. I am praying that I will complete the removal and replacement of the windows before the snow flies.

Pastoral Council for the Archdiocese: Angela Clark has attended several meetings in Anchorage for training on Pastoral Councils. I elected her to be the representative for Bristol Bay. She attended a two-hour meeting at Our Lady of Guadeloupe last Friday, and an all day session at the Holy Spirit Retreat house on Saturday. Angela will be a member on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council in Anchorage. They will meet a few times a year in Anchorage. Thank you Angela for accepting this ministry!

Logos Holy Rosary Accounting: Angie Venua has been spending hours working on the Holy Rosary Accounting. The system is very complicated and we have been corresponding with Monica Scott at the archdiocese and a programmer from Logos Accounting Software. We are making great progress and Angie has been learning this complicated system inside and out. We are very lucky to have her helping us out in this extremely important ministry. Thank you very much Angie for all of your time!

Here are three of the people who went to Mount Angel Seminary with me. The picture was taken at the Priest Retreat in Anchorage two weeks ago. We have all been priests about five years. From left to right, Tom Lilly, SEAS in Anchorage, Ross Tozzi, Fairbanks Diocese, North Pole, Thomas Weise, Cathedral in Juneau, and me. After ordination, Tom Lilly got the largest parish with regard to number of people and I got the largest parish with regard to territory.

Have a great week and God bless you, Fr. Scott

Monday, September 15, 2008

Announcements: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary parishioners, here are a few announcements and a some pictures. To make pictures larger, click on them:

Sunday, Sep. 28 Blessing: The blessing of the Our Lady of Fatima statue will be right after mass, to be followed by a reception with FOOD. Also, I would like to start taking pictures of families next to the statue to post in the vestibule.

Gospel: The bible is full of surprises. This Sunday it is about a landowner who pays a person who worked one hour the same wage as a person who worked eight hours. Now why would he do that?

Build a Manger: The nativity scene has been ordered. I need someone to build a manger for the pieces and also to figure out where best to put the Nativity Scene. If you are interested in donating your time and talent to building a manger, please let me know.

Confirmation: If you know of anyone who has not been confirmed, please contact me. Confirmation training will begin in October.

Rosary: We will be praying to rosary the first Sunday of every month for all of our generous benefactors, YOU included. The next rosary will be after Mass, October 5th.

Community Day: I would like to designate a day in October as a community service day for Holy rosary. There are many people who need help and several services we, as members of Holy Rosary, can perform. Please email your suggestions to me.

Comments on Website: I always check the comments at the bottom of each posting. If you have comments, please leave them. You can remain anonymous if you want. I will answer them after I read them. This can be an effective way to communicate, especially if you have something important to say and want to be heard. Please note the comment section at the bottom of these announcements.

Pastoral Day: I will be in Anchorage September 16-17 for one of six pastoral days the archdiocese offers every year.

Brian Venua poses beside the Our Lady of Fatima Statue

Dillinghammers bike to Mass

Parishioners enjoy the time after mass to catch up.

God bless and have a great week…Fr. Scott

Monday, September 8, 2008

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

1. Nativity Scene: The plaque with the names of those who donated nativity scene pieces is hanging by the door of the sacristy. The nativity scene pieces all have been ordered and should be here in a couple of weeks.

2. Statue of Our Lady of Fatima: I should have the statue permanently attached to the rock when you come to church this week. There is a write up in Bristol Bay times about the statue.

3. Marriage couples: I am currently working with two couples who are moving toward getting married in the church. These two couples would benefit if they could meet with another catholic married couple. Are you interested? If so, please contact me for more details.

4. Rosary: Thank you to all who stayed after mass and prayed the rosary. Praying the rosary as a community is a fantastic way to build the Kingdom of God. Next rosary will be the first Sunday of October after Mass.

5. Gospel: The Feast of the Exaltation or Triumphant of the cross will be celebrated this Sunday. The story of finding the true cross is remarkable and I will share that story at Mass this Sunday.

6. Website: If you have an interesting topic you would like to see on the website,, please let me know. I will do what I can to discuss it. If you would like to write something about the church, scripture, of anything relating to the Catholic faith, send it my way and I will post it.

Have a fantastic week…Fr. Scott

Monday, September 1, 2008

Announcements: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few important announcements:

September 7th Rosary: This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. Sean White will lead a rosary after mass. We will dedicate the rosary to all our generous benefactors and all of you who donate so generously to Holy Rosary.

September 28th Blessing: The Blessing of our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima statue will be at Holy Rosary Catholic Church at Airport Road and Emperor Way on Sunday, September 28th after Mass at 1:30 p.m. The public is (always) invited and welcome to attend. Refreshments and snacks will be served following the Blessing. For pictures of the moving of the 2120 pound rock (Rock Solid in Catholic Faith)
please click here.

Airplane Grant: The archdiocese has written a grant to help raise money for the airplane. We are trying to raise enough for an engine, paint, propeller, shipping, and installation. The grant proposal is below.

Catholic Marriage Counselors: The Archdiocese has drawn up a report with recommended Catholic Marriage counselors. Please see below.

Priest Retreat: I will be in Anchorage September 2 through September 5 and will be checking phone messages, long distance from Anchorage, periodically.

Nativity Set: A plaque of the people who donated the nativity set is being made at Bovey Trophies. Please see the list below. If your name is spelled wrong you may have time to contact BREANNE at 277-9323 or Pamela at I have already found a couple of errors. The nativity set has been ordered. Thank you all for your generosity and kindness. Total donations were around $2000.

Gospel: What do you love most about yourself? If you can answer that question with ease then you should have no problem helping those who have strayed from the church. Jesus says we must love ourselves before we can love others.

Have a wonderful week and may God bless you all! Fr. Scott


August 28, 2008
Ms. Maggie Hackett
Grant Program Officer
PO Box 693
Pittstown NJ 08867-0693

Dear Ms. Hackett,

The Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska, established on February 9, 1966, encompasses the Third Judicial District of Alaska, known as Southcentral Alaska. This includes the area south of the Alaska Mountain Range including the Mat-Su and Copper River basins, the Alaskan and Kenai Peninsulas, the Aleutian Islands and Kodiak Island. This 138,965 square mile area is larger than the all of the Mid-Atlantic States combined and nearly the size of Montana. The Archdiocese covers a vast geographic area with severe climate conditions and tremendous cost barriers to effective ministry.

A total of 32 priests work here in the Archdiocese of Anchorage, including 12 priests on loan from other dioceses. They are dedicated men who minister attentively in brutal weather conditions, bringing the Word of God to people to villages in extreme remote areas. Winter months, between September and May, are bitterly cold and dark and most often are dangerous for travel.

There are 29 parishes and missions throughout the Archdiocese. Of these, 9 can only be reached by airplane or boat due to the limited road system in Alaska. The estimated Catholic population in the Archdiocese is 32,170, approximately 8% of the overall population.

It is nearly one thousand miles from the Chancery Office in Anchorage to St. Christopher-by-the-Sea Parish at Dutch Harbor in Unalaska, midway down the Aleutian Chain. Air travel in the winter to Unalaska can run as high as $954, roundtrip. This flight on a commercial jet is approximately an hour and a half from Anchorage, and is sometimes unavailable due to wind, fog, or snow. Additionally, it is not uncommon for those who travel there to be stuck on the ground for days at a time.

The drive from the Chancery Office, here in Anchorage, to Holy Family Parish in Glennallen is yet another example of the impact that harsh climate has on the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese. This trip is a five-hour drive on a two-lane road through numerous mountain passes (which may be closed due to snow), or by private aircraft since there is no scheduled air service to the community.

The Archdiocese of Anchorage has two Piper aircraft that enable me and other priests of the Archdiocese to provide liturgies and the sacraments in these distant and difficult areas to reach. I have a private pilot’s license and sometimes use a Piper Cherokee 180 to visit parishes and missions in remote areas. I share this plane with Brother Craig Bonham, OMI who works in ministry on the Kenai Peninsula.

The other plane, a 1980 Piper Warrior II 160, donated to us in 2004, is a low wing, single engine, four seat aircraft perfectly suited for “bush flying” in Alaska. At the time of the donation, the engine of the airplane had approximately 3,520 hours of use – not an excessive amount of time, but certainly a “used” aircraft.

Initially, the Piper Warrior was kept at a hangar in Anchorage and was used by several priests and deacon pilots to reach our rural and remote parishes and missions of the Archdiocese. In June 2005, when Fr. Scott Garrett was assigned to Holy Rosary Parish in Dillingham and the Bristol Bay region in western Alaska known as St. Paul Mission, the Piper Warrior was made available to him for his flying ministry.

Fr. Garrett keeps the airplane in Dillingham and uses it weekly to travel the St. Paul circuit in Bristol Bay, visiting small Eskimo Yupik villages and fishing communities during the week and flying a circuit between Dillingham, King Salmon and Naknek, and then to Clark’s Point on weekends. His Mass schedule gives you an idea of his extensive travel:

Dillingham Holy Rosary: Sundays 12:30 PM Mass or Communion service
King Salmon Saint Theresa: Sundays 9:00 AM Mass or Communion service
Clarks Point Saint Peter: Fridays 12:30 PM Mass or Communion service
Levelock Mass once every two months date and dime-depends on weather
Iliamna Mass once every two months date and dime-depends on weather

Villages periodically visited include: Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Bay, Cold Bay, Egegik, Koliganek, Manokotak, New Stuyahok, Port Alsworth, Port Heiden, Sand Point, South Naknek, Togiak, Ugashik

While in King Salmon last month, Fr. Garrett found himself in an emergency situation. While in the middle of take off, the aircraft suddenly began to lose power. He was forced to abort the takeoff and, thanks be to God, was able to safely taxi to a hangar. Metal filings were discovered in the engine filter and oil, and it was determined that the engine lost RPM’s due to a camshaft failure, and must be replaced.


Cost per hour to fly $154.74
Type of Engine Lycoming 0320D3G
Age of Engine 28 years

Cost of new/refurbished Engine $20,400
Shipping expense $1,000
Installation Labor $3,000
Total $24,400
Funds raised locally $5,400


As a mission diocese, the Archdiocese must rely on outside support to maintain ministries that are critical to our Catholic population. The Catholic Church Extension Society, the Committee on Home Missions of the USCCB, and other funding entities generously work with us in meeting our challenges in ministry, evangelization and seminarian education. For this very unique and urgent need, however, I request a grant of $19,000 to replace the engine in the Piper Warrior. A grant from the Hackett Foundation will enable Fr. Garrett to return to the air to serve the St. Paul Mission area, and once again celebrate Mass in these scattered outlying areas, which are now heavier populated due to the fishing season.

I write to you today, not only to request an application for funding toward our critical need of an airplane engine, but also to invite you to visit us here in the Archdiocese of Anchorage, to give you an opportunity to meet personally with those whose ministry and faith are impacted through the generosity of others.

Enclosed is a copy of our IRS Letter of Determination as well as a copy of the Archdiocese of Anchorage pages in the Official Catholic Directory. Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact me or Jim Caldarola, Director of Development, at (907) 297-7704. May God continue to abundantly bless you and your family, and all the grant recipients of the Hackett Foundation.

Sincerely yours in Christ and Mary,

+ Roger L Schwietz, OMI
Archbishop of Anchorage


Marriage counsiling Referral List, August 28, 2008
Archdiocese of Anchorage

Dr. Phillip Baker, MBA, EDD, PSYCH
4325 Laurel Street #215
Anchorage, AK 99504
Ph: (907) 562-2392

Susan H. Bomalaski, Ph.D., LPC
3710 E. 20th St., Anchorage, AK 99508
(907) 222-7351 ph.

Mr. Jim Brenner, MS
4325 Laurel Street #265
Anchorage, AK 99504
Ph: (907) 561-4779

Dr. Maureen Christensen, MED, LMFT
4325 Laurel Street
Anchorage, AK 99504
Ph: (907) 561-3210

Valerie Demming, MED, LPC
2550 Denali #1608
Anchorage, AK 99504
Ph: (907) 561-3171

Dr. Christine Eberhardt, Ph.D.
4325 Laurel Street
Anchorage, AK 99508
Ph: (907) 688-7350

Providence Behavioral Health
3801 Lake Otis Pkwy
Anchorage, AK 99508

Mat-Su Valley Referral List

Vivian C. Finlay, M.Ed, LMFT
Susitna Family Services
P.O.Box 872433
Wasilla, AK 99687
O: 907-373-6006

Providence Behavioral Medicine Group (PBMG
Mailing Address:
1700 East Bogard Road
Suite 201
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
Phone: (907) 373-8080

Providence Behavioral Medicine
Outside of the Anchorage Area

Kodiak Counseling Center
(907) 481-2400

Valdez Behavioral Health
(907) 835-2838

Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Nativity Scene Donations

Donated by Yolanda Gage
Donated by Marita Young
Baby Jesus
Donated by Bernina Venua
Kneeling Angel
Donated by Michael & Dianna Swaim
Shepherds (should be sheep and camels)
Donated by Pat Mcadoo
Donated by Johanna bouker (should be a capitol B)
King Balthazer and Dogs
Donated by Eric & Dawn Williams
Kings Malchior and Gaspar
Donated by Tom & Janet Schlagel

Monday, August 25, 2008

Announcements: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

1. Nativity Scene Update: I have decided to order the Nativity scene this week. Three more pieces still need to be donated. Thank you so much for participating. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Those Donated
$95 Mary Yolanda G$95 Joseph Marita Y$95 Baby Jesus Bernina V$115 Shepherd 1 Fr. Scott $18 Sheep Seated Pat M$18 Sheep Standing Pat M$18 Sheep Head Bent Pat M $115 Donkey Johanna B$200 Standing Camel Pat M$225 Seated Camel Pat M$120 King Balthazar Eric and Dawn W$45 Two Dogs Eric and Dawn W $120 Kneeling Angel Dianna and Michael S $120 King Malchior Janet and Tom$120 King Gaspar Janet and Tom

Those available
$115 Shepherd 2 Available
$115 Ox Standing Available
$115 Ox Seated Available

2. Thank you: Thanks to Pat Durbin for extending my entry way steps so that I can attach a storm door. Thanks to Angie who has been working long hours to close the fiscal year books. Your sharing of time and talent is a great gift to Holy Rosary.

3. Rosary: The next rosary our community will pray together will take place after Mass the first Sunday of September. We will pray for all our generous benefactors.

4. Priest Retreat: I will be in Anchorage for a priest retreat from Tuesday Sep 2 to Friday Sep 5.

5. Storm Windows: I have six storm windows that I need to sell. They are Pella storm windows, 30 inches wide by 46 inches high ($250 Each). They are brand new, never used and are currently being stored in the old church. Please let me know if you would like to purchase one or know anyone who would.

6. Gospel: Suffering is spiritual graduate class on learning how to love. All three readings will give us insight on suffering and love.

7. Rock and Statue: I am still trying to get the 2000 to 3000 pound rock moved from Horizon to Holy Rosary. If you have any ideas, let me know. The Fatima Statue is here. After consulting with Nora Harder, Bobbie at Horizon, and Angela Clark, we have decided to put it on the grass in front of the church.

Click Home Page to see new pictures of the Holy Rosary flowers. Take care, God bless, and enjoy the sunshine…Fr. Scott

Monday, August 18, 2008

Announcements: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

1. Baptism: To see pictures of Katelynn’s baptism, please go to the Holy Rosary Home Page or Click Here.

2. Statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima: Preparations are being made to move a 2000 to 3000 pound rock from Horizon Construction (Nome Rock) to Holy Rosary. The statue will be mounted on this rock. I have asked the advice Nora H, Bobbie B, and Angela C, concerning the location of the huge rock. I wanted to put it on the lawn in front of the church and wanted to be sure it did not look “too busy” or “too cluttered.” From my consultants, the lawn looks like a perfect place to put it.

3. Gospel: This coming Sunday, Jesus says to Peter, “On this rock I shall build my church.” Why does Jesus use the analogy of a rock?

4. Nativity Scene: Only a shepherd and two oxen remain to be donated. If you would like to donate one of these pieces, please contact me. Thank you to all who have donated so far.

5. Plane: The airplane engine should be ordered soon. We are currently trying to raise money for engine, paint, propeller, and maintenance.

6. Thank You: Thanx to Thomas C. who has donated some of his time trimming the trees and splitting wood. Also, thank you very much to the weed fairies who, during the night, completely weeded my flower beds. I know how tedious weeding is and I greatly appreciate it.

Take care, God bless, and have a great week…Fr. Scott

Friday, August 8, 2008

Announcements: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. August 15 - Assumption: This Holy Day of obligation will be this Friday at 5:30 PM. I hope to see you all there.

2. Clarks Point Funeral: For Clarks Point Funeral Pictures, click here. Also, for pictures of Saint Theresa in King Salmon, go to the home page, mass schedule, and click on Saint Theresa King Salmon.

3. Nativity Scene Update: Please consider purchasing one of only five pieces of the nativity set. King Malchior and King Gaspar (120 each; Shepherd and Ox standing/sitting (115 each). Thank you for your generosity.

4. Baptism this Sunday: Katelynn will be baptized this Sunday. Reception and Potluck to follow. Please bring your favorite dish. If weather does not cooperate, the baptism will be in September or October.

5. Gospel: Jesus heals a little girl. As Christians, how do we heal others?

6. Subscribe to Announcements: I do not plan to put any big pictures in the announcements. So, it will not be cumbersome when the announcements are automatically sent to you. Please, put in your email address where it says subscribe, click on subscribe and then go to your email box and click on the link to confirm. Whenever I update the announcement, you will get a copy.

7. Plane: Saint Theresa in King Salmon has donated money for a new engine for the plane. I went to Anchorage last week and we have contacted several other possible donors. We still neen money to remove and replace the engine, new paint, and new propeller, which will be another 20,000 dollars.

8. Needed Volunteer: I have been working with a couple for the past year who decided not to get married in the Catholic Church. However, they want to use Holy Rosary for the wedding, to perform a non-catholic ceremony. I thought long and hard about this, under the many circumstances that surround this issue, I have decided to let them use our church for the marriage. It is this week, Saturday, August 16. I NEED SOMEONE to be available during the service to help out, lock up, etc. Please let me know if you are available.

9. Fr. Clemm Article About Fr. Kelly: Fr. Clem recently sent me a story he wrote about Fr. Kelly. It is very good. Please scroll down to read it.

Take care, God Bless, and have a great week...Fr. Scott

Story by Fr. Leroy Clementich, August 2008
Bush Pilot Captain

Actually, it was lousy day for flying in western Alaska on that weekend of March 23, 2002. For Catholics, it also happened to be the weekend of Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.

The young pilots who fly the Piper Saratoga’s for Pen Air in Dillingham were sitting around the cargo hanger, playing cards, waiting for the weather to clear.

So, Kelley walks in, Father Jim Kelley “What’s up guys?” he says to anybody who’s listening. “Not a lot, Father, we’re just sorta hanging out here waiting for blue sky.”

“Well, listen, will one of you guys take that Mass kit over there and that bundle of palms and put them in the cargo bin of my plane, it’s the Cherokee over there? I’ll go over to ops and file a flight plan?” “Ok,” one guy says. “By the way, Father, where you heading?” “Togiak”, Kelley says, “We have Palm Sunday services over there tomorrow.” “Hey, you’re not really going out in that stuff, are you father? The weather’s below the minimums: It’s 800 and a thousand feet, worse on the west side of the range.” “Hey, no problem,” Kelley says. “Once I get over Tukalung Mountain, it’ll be a piece of cake.” “Well, you’re a braver guy than we are, Father. We’re gonna stick around here and sit it out.” “Ok”, Kelley says, see y’all later.”

Kelley zips up his down jacket and heads for the plane, brushes the snow off the wings, puts on his mittens, piles into the airplane and heads out.

Couple hour’s later, some Catholic folks in Togiak call Pen Air ops in Dillingham and ask if anybody’s seen Kelley. “No,” the dispatcher says, “all we know is that he left here about an hour ago, heading west.” “Well, we’re kinda worried because the weather over on this side of the mountain is really bad: high winds and blowing snow. Anyway, let us know if you hear anything, ok? Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and we need him bad.” “Ok,” the dispatcher says, “we’ll get back with you if we find out anything.”

By then, it was already early evening, and the weather was not getting any better. By morning’s light, everybody knew that something had gone wrong. Kelley never got to Togiak.

After the weather finally lifted, search pilots from Pen Air and other local pilots flew out over the mountains west of Dillingham to check out the situation.

The search did not take long: Up on the top of Tukalung, lay a crumpled-up, green and white PA 28-181, Kelly’s plane, the Dakota. No sign of life. It took nearly until noon until they finally got a chopper up there to bring the body home.

The news of Kelley’s death hit Bristol Bay and western Alaska pretty hard. Kelley was the pastor of some 25 or so little villages from Dillingham to Naknek to King Salmon and all the way out the chain to Dutch Harbor. He occasionally would boast that he was pastor of the largest parish in the world with over 139,000 square miles of territory.

He was one gutsy guy, Kelley. Weather never seemed to bother him much: With his twin Cessna, for instance, he’d fly the 500 mile, one-way trip to Dutch in weather even the “professional guys” wouldn’t touch. “God is my co-pilot”, he’d say. Hmmm!

Of course, there were also other villages closer in, like Chignik Bay, Perryville, Nelson Lagoon, Sand Point and Cold Bay and others that he could easily reach with his Cherokee, the Dakota. For Dutch, of course, he always used the twin.

Father Jim Kelley was both a dedicated pastor and a superb pilot. He learned how to fly as a kid in New Bedford, Massachusetts. After he was ordained, he joined the Navy and served as a chaplain, retiring with the rank of Captain.

Always on the hunt for new pastoral and flying challenges, he came to the Archdiocese of Anchorage and began serving the Church in the bush, the dozens of those little villages out on the Aleutian Chain.

Stories still abound, describing his dedication to these western-Alaska outposts. He would regularly fly into one small village, for instance, where only a single Catholic lived.

On many occasions, when weather was threatening, he would radio ahead to a contact person in the village and say: “Father Kelley here folks, I’m ten minutes out. Weather’s not looking good; be out on the end of the strip and we’ll have a communion service on the wing of the Cherokee.

And so it was. Kelley would come in, do a 360, land and hand his Mass kit out to the closest person, get out and spread a white corporal on the wing and begin: “Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be…This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to His supper…. The Body of Christ” “Amen.” Then there’d be a short thanksgiving; a hug all around and Kelley would head out for the next village just ahead of the weather.

Well, that’s the story of “The Captain”, the priest-pilot, whatever; they both meant the same thing to him. It was all about flying out to “do liturgy.”

In the weeks and months after Father Kelley’s death, I would often fly the route from Dillingham to Togiak with those young Pen Air pilots. Often, as we'd fly over Tukalung Mountain, we’d slow the plane down to minimum airspeed, do a 360 and say a prayer for “The Captain.”

As I reflect on it, my intuition tells me that even after six years have gone by, a certain sacredness, a grace, still clings to that rocky crest over which a dedicated priest-pilot tried to fly so that some Catholic folks in Togiak could celebrate Palm Sunday.

On one occasion afterwards, a young pilot, flying with me over Tukalung, said. “You know, Father, if he had not tried to make that turn and if he’d flown a couple hundred feet higher, he would easily have made it. “That close? I asked. “Yup”, he said. “Take another swing around the summit”, I say. “I want to take a closer look.” The light wasn’t very good, but I’m pretty sure I could see some palms still scattered and lying there in the brush. Together, the pilot and I say “Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.” We both say, “Amen.”

LeRoy E. Clementich C.S.C.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Announcements: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Mission Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

1. Funeral, Thursday August 7: Archbishop Hurly will be presiding over the Funeral Mass for Fred Henry of Clarks Point. The archbishop, possibly Kris Sword, and myself will be going to Clarks around noon, either by boat or plane. Please keep Andrea Hurley and the rest of the family in your prayers. The body will be at Holy Rosary Monday and part of Tuesday before being taken to Clarks Points.

2. Baptism, Sunday August 17: Dianna and Michael Swaim will have little Katelynn (the little girl who has been bringing up the offering) baptized. The Baptism will be during Mass. Afterward, let’s have a celebration downstairs!

3. Holy Day of Obligation: The Assumption of Mary is Friday the 15th of August. Mass will be at 5:30 PM.

4. Nativity Scene: There are still six pieces of the Nativity scene that need to be donated. They are: (1) Kneeling Angel $120, (2) King Malchior $120, (3) King Gaspar $120, (4) Shepherd 2 $115, (5) Ox Standing, and (6) Ox Seated. Please see at Please email me with your donation. Thank all of you who have already donated!

5. Rock and Statue: I am looking for a large flat rock, probably around three or four feet wide by two or three feet high. I will be using it to mount the marble statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. If you have seen any around the beach, lake, or near your home, please let me know.

6. Plane: I have already raised enough money to purchase a remanufactured engine from Lycoming. I will be in Anchorage this Tuesday and Wednesday to make a strategy to raise another 15 thousand for new paint and maintenance. Larry Tibbitts, the mechanic in King Salmon, should be ordering the engine this week.

7. Gospel: Although Jesus can walk on water, we sometime get stuck in the mud. Getting “unstuck” requires us to be Zealous for God.

Take care, God bless, and have a wonderful week, Fr. Scott

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Announcements: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

1. Rosary: We will pray a rosary after this Sunday’s Mass. All are invited to pray for the generous benefactors who have helped to support our parish financially.

2. Nativity Scene: If you would like to donate a piece of the nativity scene, please contact me with the selection of your piece at Several pieces have already been donated. Please see the list and pictures on the web site I plan to order when all pieces have been donated. Thank you so much.

3. Statue: An outdoor statue of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima has been ordered. It is 39 inches high. It should arrive in the next couple of months. It will be displayed in the church until we figure out where best to permanently display it outside. Suggestions are welcome.

4. Training: Keep your calendars open in September if you are interested in being a lector, extraordinary Eucharistic Minister, or altar server. Training will be after Sunday masses in September. More on this in the next couple of weeks.

5. Gospel: One way to interpret the Feeding of the 5000 is that it is about charity. All three readings point to the importance of charity in our world.

6. Airplane Grounded: Looks like I will be needing a new engine for the airplane. Metal was seen by the mechanic glittering in the oil. After three hours on the new filter, there was enough metal in it to ground the airplane. We are still waiting for tests of the metal but believe it is from the Cam Shaft.

Take care, God bless, and have a fantastic day…Fr. Scott

Friday, July 25, 2008

Announcements: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, here are a few announcements:

1. Nativity Scene: If you would like to donate a piece or pieces of the nativity scene, please sign up in the back of the church. Mary, Jesus, Joseph, and one shepherd have been taken.

2. Statue: I plan to purchase a 40 inch statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima this week. I have been making arrangements for the past month with a supplier.

3. Rosary: Will say the next rosary together the first Sunday in August after Mass.

4. Gospel: Pearl of Great Price.

5. Parish Meeting: There will be a parish meeting the first week in September. We will discuss how to winterize Holy Rosary.

Take Care, God bless, and have a fantastic day. Fr. Scott